Monday, March 13, 2023

BeReal & RealMojis

Ok, where is my brain... Let me think what's going on here? We had violin today. Peter came along and had a quick lesson at the end. 

He got some professional instruction on how to hold the violin with his chin - 

You're doing so good Peter!

And learning how to properly hold the bow. All this technical stuff is really exciting, huh Peter!

It was fun though, good job Peter. I was glad he tagged long. He likes going to "teacher's house". I don't always love taking Katharine with us. She doesn't like being in the car. I texted Corey that "Sometimes the natural man in me feels sad and like a victim cause I have to take P and K with me when I do things. Esp when K is crying about it I feel sad." Corey offered to come take her, but we were already on our way. And I'm not sure I really needed/wanted him to take her, but I did want to say that I felt like a victim. I want to explore my thoughts and where my feelings come from, what thoughts I'm having that creates them, and why I'm thinking those things (trying to coach myself a little bit there) So, yeah, a lot of life is "nevertheless"...

The latest with the plumber is that they are special ordering a faucet and they'll call me after that arrives. A neighbor across the street who has not been skiing yet came over today to try on our boots with her kids. I'm going to take her and her kids up to the Snowpine lift on Friday,  so that should be fun. And that's a good deal cause then she's going to watch Katharine on Saturday while all of our family goes skiing, so that is going to be great. Speaking of Katharine, here's a pic of a BeReal "Realmoji" I sent yesterday. Isn't that sweet?


She's so cute. I like the "realmoji" feature on BeReal, it's fun. 

I know my college kids would rather see a little pic of her than of my face, so I usually send realmoji replies with cute Katharine. 

Or Peter!

He makes cute Realmoji's too. Here are some of my BeReals from the past month. Once I get on top of it, I could post the BeReal of each day, but the days get ahead of me and I get behind, but here are some pics - Peter still likes Spiderman. I can't find which date this is from...

So I think BeReal could still find a way to try and be more searchable. That is one thing I prefer blogging to over Instagram or youtube - cause I can find what I'm looking for by typing WORDS that I know are written in the post! It's still tricky to search images. Peter and Wes doing something...
I think picking up Owen and Natalie from school? Might have been dropping them off... 
I can't search the times after the day the BeReal is posted is done. 
Okay wait! I Just found them - these are all from February! If I swipe I can look through each individual photo, which isn't that hard since there is just one for each day. So that first one with Peter is from Feb 2. I was picking them Natalie and Owen from school cause it was at 2pm on a Friday Jan 27, Dinner above is Jan 30, Here below is Jan 31. Just a few random pictures. 
Peter on Feb 1st. 
Just non eventful days around the house. Katharine trying to eat earbuds on Feb 7.
Little boys watching a movie in my room on Feb 6
Ok I guess it for now. BeReal is good, I'm still using it and take my BeReal almost every day. I just need to figure out if I want to do anything with them, or if they just get lost in the abundance of photos from our life. 

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