Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Tues and Wed

Hello. We've had two good and busy days yesterday and today. Yesterday I took L to jazz band and then went to the sauna. I've still got a bit of a sinus infection and a big headache from the pressure of the infection, I think? I've had major green mucus. It feels so good to just sit in a very hot sauna. I almost went to the instacare last night cause I was googling "green mucus" and got a little scared when I read about "chronic sinusitis"... Corey gave his blessing for me to go, but then didn't cause it was getting too late and the pharmacy would be closed so what was the point of going today if I couldn't get medicine until tomorrow. And then I felt improved this morning and decided not to go. Carpool BeReal from yesterday - 

Joseph's BeReal from yesterday - Mel gave him a haircut! 
A few other kid updates - Mel got asked out on 4 different dates by 4 different guys on Monday! Ethan's birthday is in one week -  I'm trying to decide what we can/should do for college kids - Send a package? Go down and take him out to eat? Wes has been working on an English class, but often gets writers block. Corey threatened to take his phone away and that helped him get working again. Lily had a spring concert last night, I took her out but didn't watch it (sorry Lil) Corey did though - I need to get pics from him. Also went by Costco today, dropped Sophi and Lily off at the library on my way there. Owen and Daniel are signed up for spring soccer. One of their teams (not sure if it was O's or Ds) is still looking for a coach, Corey said he will take on the soccer stuff, I thought maybe he could co-coach and cover games on Saturdays, that way it would still just be a Saturday commitment. One funny thing about soccer - Corey doesn't want either of us to take on more, he wants us to do less, but we signed up for soccer anyway. But he still isn't thrilled at the idea of me life coaching and taking on more. I know that there is a lot I can do at home already (clean the basement), sigh, I just need to do it. 

Today I went over to Beka's house after Daniel left for kindergarten and before carpool, and I spent 2 hours with her sharing some life coaching stuff. On Friday, on our date, I told Corey that I'd like to certify as life coach, but the Life Coach school is freaking expensive (currently $18K). Corey said I should talk to Nicole about it when we visit her later this month. Of course I couldn't wait that long - I called her on Monday, and it was good. She sent me a fb post by one of her college roommates who has recently certified the Brooke Snow's Creation Coach Certification Program, which I've never heard of. Her/Snow's program is "only" $2222 (and you get a buddy pass where you can bring a friend to do it with you! So Nicole and I could do it together for just $1111 each! Sounds good. But I should do some research on Brooke first - I've never heard of her, and I'm not really in a hurry to certify now, since I won't be doing anything business like with it until K starts kindergarten at the earliest, but I did appreciate the text from Nicole. Corey asked what Nicole thought about his reluctance to have me take on training. She agreed, and I do too, that Corey and the kids are my priority, but I still thin it'd be fun to explore options for whenever I do certify. Corey also asked why I want to certify as a life coach, like who I want to help? I'd mostly like to help my people I know who are struggling with weight and clutter - so myself, my parents, siblings, inlaws, and friends. Corey suggested instead of getting certified, I just start here. I really want to know more, but I guess I can do something and learn as I go? So I reached out to Bek - polo'd her and we set up a time and I went over there for 2 hours today. And I thought it was great, I hope it's helpful, I'm going to go by again next week. 

Today I also did some lesson prep before I teach on Sunday. This is a video I might share, I thought it was funny! "Acutal footage of Jesus rescuing me" haha. Ok that's enough of me rambling. See ya.

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