Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Busch Gardens Williamsburg

We went to Busch Gardens today. 
Corey got a two day pass for everyone. Can we make it past the souvenir shops?
Corey told us to leave him at the Kiddie park with ODP and head out to the roller coasters. I didn't get to have any fun on the coasters last year in Orlando, so I took Corey up on his offer. We took Katharine with us, with the plan to just take two shifts on each coaster and pass her between us. It worked well. First stop was Loch Ness Monster. Abi and Wes kept her while I went - 
(They look a little young to be parents...)
And then I took Katharine and waited while they went on a ride again. There wasn't a line, so they were all able to hop on with Abi and Wes.
Playing at the Land of Dragons. 
Peter loved it there. 
And if Peter loves it, Wes loves it too!
Next to Alpengeist, but it was closed...
Taking the Skyride while K takes a nap.
Natalie found a roller coaster she can ride on!
We went on Apollo's Chariot a lot - there was no line, so we rode it until we were sick. 
Over and over again, and the people were nice today and just let us stay in the chairs (they didn't make us walk around and get in line again)
Over to Pantheon! This one was SO FUN!
For this one we did have to run around and get in line again, but it wasn't too bad, and there wasn't a line, and it was so fast and so fun!
This one was my favorite! A few times we were able to not have to walk around by passing Katharine between us and then saying we wanted to ride with each other and if it was ok for them to ride again? Thanks for helping us out Katharine! (Sorry you didn't get to ride!) She enjoyed watching us have fun.
We caught up with Corey. He wasn't interested in riding any roller coasters, but I still took the kids for a bit so he could relax. We went on the Turkish Delight tea cups. Cute Peter has been having a really fun day!
On the Battering Ram. All of us could go on this one, so I thought the kids would like that, but Peter and Owen did not like this one.
Finnegan Flyers - 
Owen is a little more timid. He liked this one. 
It was a super fun day at Busch Gardens, and they closed at 6, so that was perfect for us to not wear ourselves out. BeReal went off as we were heading to the exit. 
Peter was tuckered out.
We asked a worker to take a family pic for us.
And our friend from Utah, Kathy, that we met at church, she and her husband (from Brazil!) invited us over to their house for a nice Brazilian BBQ.
The boys enjoyed some down time to color. 
Wes and the husband (sorry I can't remember his name...) had fun jamming out to music
And my sister Camilla is out visiting in Utah - She and Steve have been staying at our house while we've been gone. They've been doing a temple tour and stuff. Today she texted us that he proposed! So that is exciting! 
It was a great day. One last pic - this was from this morning when the kids had cereal, and then Top Ramen for breakfast. 
Tomorrow we are heading to Monticello with the FREEMANS, YAY! And then to the Richmond Temple Open House. It's just none stop go-go-go for us this week, should be fun! 

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