Monday, March 27, 2023

Jamestown & Colonial Williamsburg

On vacations, I get a ton of photos. I anticipate the same will happen this week, so I'll do my best to narrow things down. I'll probably also do seven posts this week. Today started off with Corey and I attending a timeshare presentation. It went waaay too long. We didn't buy, and we keep telling ourselves it's not worth it and that we're not going to go to another one, but then we find ourselves at the table again. But good for King's Creek and what they've got going for them. When we finally got back, we told the kids to get ready, it's time to go be tourists. Let's take a photo on our family porch.
We went to see Jamestown today. We were trying to figure out the dates of the different things that were there. 
Walking where Pocahontas walked. 
It's pretty cool to be here where so much history happened.
I took pics of the different plaques and displays, but now that I'm at the computer, I can go to their website and put links, yay, so I'm not going to type anything up, but here are some of the things we saw that I want to learn more about! Here are some of the kids standing on the plot where the 1608 church was. 
And then there's the 1617/18 Church. I want to keep reading and learning, but my people are getting tired - 
The museum was really neat. I sat to nurse Katharine, Lily helped Peter move the rocks in his pocket into the fanny pack. 
It was getting hard for him to walk. We learned about the Lost James Fort. It's cool what they've done to reconstruct the James Fort. Then we drove to Colonial Williamsburg. Abi taking a selfie - 
It was a cute place. Not very busy right now. 
Corey went to order some food. We didn't get tickets to go in any of the museums, and that's ok. Most of them were closed anyway. We walked around for a bit, then sat down, but it's harder to watch them if we're sitting still, so I took the little kids for a walk while we waited. 
Found a place to climb trees at William and Mary College.  
They thought that was fun. 
And it gave WAL a chance to look in some of the shops for souveniers or hoodies (they are always looking for hoodies) and it gave Corey a bit of quiet. 
These were good trees to climb cause the branches came out and down to the ground, for easy toddler access.
Natalie getting up pretty high in this one!
Back to the public square for dinner. Cute Katharine - 
Katharine - is that some attitude on display?
Pretty flowers on the grounds (a few posts on my nature blog). We are enjoying the spring escape away from the long winter Utah has had this year.
Back at the room - Katharine playing peek-a-boo with her siblings over and under the coffee table. We see you!
I especially loved how she was getting up on her tippy toes.
She's so fun. 
Scriptures tonight, Busch Gardens tomorrow! Time for bed. Goodnight.

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