Friday, March 10, 2023

Cute, Creative, & Talented

I've got cute, creative, and talented kids. Here is an example of a cute kid - Katharine as she enjoyed a dried mango.

And a creative kid - Natalie playing in the trees after school. Lily had put an old fence door up there, somehow, last fall. I'm a little surprised it has stayed up there through the wind and snow this winter. 
And my example of a talented kid - check out this video of Mel playing "City of Stars" by herself on the flute AND the piano at the same time

And here's a youtube short video version of it. Wow! Pretty amazing, huh! I'm so impressed with her talent and coordination. 

I've been a bit behind in a lot of ways this past week cause I've felt sick. On Tuesday I was congested, had a stuffy nose, watery eyes. I went to rec center after taking Lily to jazz band, walked a few laps and did 100 walking lunges, sat in the sauna for 30 minutes. The sauna felt really great for my head. On Wednesday I was slightly sore from the lunges I had done, I went climbing that evening with Wes and Lily. Did 12 climbs, I was able to do the hot pink V2 no problem, and the purple V3, and I did a purple V2 over by the Yellow V2, that I hadn't been able to send before. I did it! So Wed I did three V1s, seven V2s, and one V3, it's fun. Yesterday my head cold was really bad - felt worse than Wednesday. Wes and I went to the sauna for 30 minutes that morning, and it felt great again. I also felt more sore from Wednesday lunges on Fri than I felt on Thurs and I had a little trouble going up and down the stairs. I was glad that I reached a new weight low yesterday morning, 136.8, yay, so that was good. I'm still working on that and plan to be my naturally thin weight sometime this year (hopefully 123). And today, there's still a lot of pressure in my head. I was able to breathe ok last night though. Went on a walk around the block 6x = 2.26 miles, 40 minutes, then went to rec center for sauna heat to help my head cold, 35 min in there. New low 135.8, yay. Things are good. Corey and I had a nice date night at India House. BeReal from that - 
I shared a little bit with him about my desire to learn about life coaching, specifically to help people lose weight or clear out clutter in their homes. We are going skiing tomorrow at Snowbird. Even if I don't feel great I think I'll be well enough to go and it will be fun.

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