Thursday, March 9, 2023

Three Goals

Hello. It's 9 pm. I already blogged today, but thought I'd give an update and move my morning post down as I just gave a brief report of the day. It's been a nice day, other than I've felt a bit ill with what Corey thinks is prob a sinus infection. I feel better than I did on Tuesday, but worse than I did yesterday and Sunday or Monday. I can't bend over and take my head lower than my heart or it just hurts. This morning Wes and I went to the sauna at the rec center and I sat in it for 30 min and that felt so great. And I just got up from laying down for an hour - I'm about to go check where Katharine is. She's been adorable today, as always. I wish I could have a baby forever. My BeReal today was taken in the closet as she played with her "X-box" haha.

Abi and Lily said they'd take her and they made dinner so I could lay down. So that was nice. Corey said "I thought you don't get sick?" to which I replied "I don't, so this is new for me..." Oh I think Corey just got home. He went to pick up Wes who was at his parents (went to the temple with seminary kids). He let Abi drive as they went to go get him - cause Abi got her driving permit yesterday! She's excited!

Wes used my phone most of the day to use Audible and take another whack at Jane Eyre. He fell asleep listening to it and had to go back 30 minutes. He's not loving it. He was dressed in his hockey hoodie but had his white shirt and tie on underneath since he was going to the temple. At the moment of this pic I did chuckle at him, as he said, to quote "I hate Jane Eyre. I hate Mr. Rochester."
Owen had trumpet and I took him to that, and since I've been home I've been resting to try and get better. It's been nice having a brief break from K. I love her so much though. So there's some of what went on today. I'm going to go join everyone for scriptures now and end with what I wrote this morning:

Hello. It is 5:30 in the morning and I just had a stroke of genius (I think). Well, I guess I have two or three ideas. 

Idea #1 is that I want to become a life coach. This is something I've been toying with for sometime. I've had a life coach since 2018. Holly Rigsby was my coach from 2018 - 2020/COVID and I loved it and she is great. Then when life was almost back to normal in summer of 2021, I joined Laura Dixon's program and she's been my coach since then. I have really loved all that I've learned about life coaching just by experiencing it from both of them, and especially because of how it's helped me. I've also known for over a year that, when I prepare to become a coach, I would want to be certified through the Life Coach School. Last night I went to their website, entered my email for the certification, watched some videos about their program, and clicked the button to enroll, telling myself I was just going to see how much it costs. And I did, and then I said "shoot..." cause it was more than I thought. (I was thinking "just" 10K). I know "the what" I want, and as Corey has said before "The 'HOW' will come if you're committed to your 'WHAT'."

Idea #2 - the HOW. Last night as I was thinking about how to come up with mucho money to certify, I first looked if they have scholarships. And thankfully, before I sent an email to ask, I googled it and saw in their FAQs page that they do not offer scholarships. And that actually makes sense, cause part of the whole idea of Life Coaching is to go get your dreams, and that if you want it, YOU can make it happen just by how you think about it, so if I was like "Oh hey, I'm ready and committed to become a life coach! And I'm ready to take massive action! Can you help me and do it for me?" that just goes against the concept behind it. Life coaching is about YOU helping YOU and believing in YOU, not someone else. So yeah. I also saw what they said on that same page "Our committed students have come up with all kinds of creative ways to pay for their training. They take massive action. And it’s so worth figuring out." Ok, so maybe I can get creative in thinking about how to do this. 

I had an idea last night of doing a GoFundMe to raise the $ (this is still part of Idea #2) and I could ask friends and family to donate to give me a scholarship, and if they do - like everyone that donates any amount - I will give them a free coaching session (once I officially know how to coach) (...or I guess if they are really excited to get going I can do it right now when I think I know how to do it) OR maybe I can say that the 10 people that donate the most can have lifetime access to my program! Not that I know what my program is! Or what I'll even be offering! WHAT A DEAL! Eh?!?!

And I haven't talked with Corey about this yet. I don't think he'd love the idea of asking others for help. So maybe we'd take out a loan? Maybe I can do some professional organizing and save up for it for a while. I did mention to him last week on our date at Bandits that I want to become a life coach, and he said "I don't know what that is..." and I didn't try to explain it at all, but anyway, before I sell him on the idea, I am going to have to do all my homework. And part of that homework is ME becoming and being the example of what I want to coach on. I've got a few ideas, like I am ready to go out and preach about all the loveliness and personal development that comes letting children come into and bless your life, and if someone thinks they can't because kids cost so much or they're so much work or you'll be fat, I want to help them challenge those ideas. But there are a few other things I would like to do, like be a weight loss coach or a clutter control coach - yet, at the moment, I still have a 10 lbs to lose, and our house is still quite a bit cluttered, and etc etc. Like once when I told him that I want to become a professional organizer, he said "Can I hire you? I know a family that could really use some help!" (which was us) and I was like "Ugghhh... I don't want to do us! I can't see my own mess! But I could help others, but I can't do me..." 

BUT NOW I CAN DO ME! Cause of life coaching! And I am doing me. So this is where the idea I just had comes in, which is my 3rd idea:

Idea #3 - when I talk to Corey about this, I'm going to propose the GoFundMe idea, or we can save up or get a loan, but if he's ok with going forward sometime, I was thinking that the goal will be that we will let me enroll AFTER I complete the following THREE GOALS:

  1. REACH MY GOAL WEIGHT (125) which is a weight which I was at briefly in 2017 after Daniel was born, but I never got to after Peter and I also wasn't able to maintain except in 2004 after Hyrum's birth, but I'm going to get there! I am just over 10 lbs away. I got to a new low of 136 today, yay. I wasn't able to get past 141 during the three years after Peter was born, but I've been able to pass that after Katharine thanks to my amazing mind and Laura Dixon's program and coaching, and quickly too - Katharine is just 9 months old!
  2. ENTIRELY ORGANIZED HOME - and this one probably seems impossible to him (which is why I added it here, in case he wants a way out and thinks this will never happen) I thought this was impossible, and it is challenging, but I've done it before (Jan -Feb 2021) and believe that I can do it again, and this time will be able to keep it organized (as I continue to get better at coaching myself and releasing clutter. "Don't hold onto the past in this new year!" - statement during sacrament meeting up at Brighton on Jan 1, 2023
  3. CATCH UP ON THE BLOG - I've also done this before (such as in Nov 2017 and May 2022), but I'm quite behind right now (still need to finish December and have a lot of Jan and Feb to do, plus March!) I know I can do this too as I focus on it and do some each day. (I might need to stay up later at night a few times). 
So yeah! What do you think Corey? Can I start a GoFundMe page if I get those three things done? Or enroll? :) I think it will take me atleast a month, I bet I can have them all done and reached by my birthday! So those goals will be a birthday gift to myself, and then I'll be ready to help anyone else who has similar goals and I can show them what got me there (my thoughts and beliefs!) It's gonna be great. 

Now it's 6:40 am. Time to take Lily to Jazz band or go on a walk. Here's a photo for this post - from my morning walk yesterday. 
 Go make it a GREAT DAY!!!! 

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