Sunday, March 19, 2023

Ninjas and Spartans

My lesson today went well (studied Matthew 11-12 and Luke 11 this week). I woke up early to try and finish gathering thoughts in a coherent enough matter to be able to share them. I always am able to stuff my head with scriptures and commentary, but when it comes to sitting down to organize them... I don't have a lot of luck. Unless it's 5 AM. So after church, sigh, it was time to breath, another month's lesson done and it went pretty good I think. (Thank you Lord) After church the kids were playing - Owen and Daniel dressed up as Ninjas. Owen striking a pose like an Avatar fire bender -

Daniel is a vegetation bender? 

Haha, just kidding. Not sure what he is. Green on his face... does that make him the Incredible Hulk? Earth-man? Whoever they are - watch out! They're ready to stop evil and fight for the right. 

For example... a warning to all: Do NOT get on Daniel's bed if you are Owen or Peter! Daniel is looking at you, brothers!

"Daniel Bed. Not Owen's and Not Peter". It's lovely that he did that with permanent markers. I don't understand myself and why I even have those around. I'd save myself a lot of headache if I just threw all permanent markers in the garbage and didn't buy them ever again. Resist Tiffanie! Stay away from the office supplies isle at the store!

Joseph is not a ninja or earth bender, but he is a Spartan! He competed in a Spartan Race with his friend Talmage and some other people. Pretty tough stuff! 

Way to go!

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