Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Mon & Tues

Hey there. I went on a walk yesterday morning and then we went climbing last night and I went climbing today. I'm going to try to climb every day that I can this week since we'll be leaving for 10 days on Friday. We went last night with all the kids for a FHE activity. Corey and I mostly belayed kids but I did do 3 climbs - the easy purple V1, Yellow V2 on the 40 wall, and the Purple V3 on the 10 and 60 boulder. That V3 is probably the toughest one that I have been able to do consistently. 

We had a snowstorm yesterday afternoon, so we had our violin lessons online, cause I didn't want to drive in the snow with my kinda bald tires. We've had so much snow this winter! Wow. Not much else going on ... I got this fun photo from my little brother Grant! 

Apparently they are in San Diego? Lucky them that they got to see Hyrum!! Aww, I love Hyrum, such a good kid. We sure miss him. We're excited to see him when he comes home this year. I'm glad our siblings have been taking such good care of him, getting in touch with him and taking him out to lunch whenever they're in the area! 

Here's a cute note that Owen left in our room for us: 
"Dear Mom and Dad, From: Owen - I think you are the best parens not either one but you guys (glad he clarified that) I think you guys are the best. I love seeing you, you always make me happy when I'm sad. (flip over) Washington DC!
The kids have started to freely use my stickers that I used to use to scrapbook, but since I haven't scrapbooked since 2007, I guess that's ok. Apparently Owen is looking forward to our trip this weekend! Good, it's going to be fun. Another pic - Daniel ready to go to the bus. He's going to take his rollerblades. I told him there's not any snow free sidewalks and not much open road either, but he could not be deterred. He's gotten quite good at rollerblading. 
And a few pics of Wesley talking with Hyrum today - Hyrum being patient with Wes...
As Wes tries on different Meme face filters. 
Wesley has very expressive eyebrows. 
Wes was at the Salt Mine with Corey, using Corey's phone, I was at home with the camera off (prob nursing Katharine). One last note - one of my butterfly friends, Lisa, her husband was put on hospice today. They were called to serve as mission presidents in Ohio in 2019, and came home Oct 2021 when he was diagnosed with cancer and given 18 months to live.

We're grateful for the spare time that he's been given, and that we've been able to associate with him over the past 15 years that we've lived here. One of the things that he talked about to his missionaries was "Are You All In?" I want to be like them, so I'm going to try and do what they do! I'm going to strive to continue to be all in with the gospel. They are the salt of the earth.

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