Friday, March 17, 2023

Cleaning, Skiing & Quotes

I went on a walk this morning - there were some HUGE ice bubbles in the gutter by our house.

Not sure why I can never resist cracking them up, but I did break it all to pieces and it was very satisfying. THEN after I got home, my sweet sister came over and helped me clean up our basement!!! Abi and Lily were home from school today and they watched K while Bek and I worked. It was so nice of her to come over, cause I hadn't been able to do it by myself but it needed to be done. My older sister, Camilla, is coming to Utah next week and will be staying here while she's visiting, so Beka was an answer to my prayers. Look, a clean room!!!
I helped too, but she was the miracle worker today. She even picked up all the legos off of the floor on the unfinished side. Thank you Bek!
Then at 1:30, I got ready to go skiing with my neighbor and her two girls skiing after school. We picked them up from school, Daniel came along with us cause he's good pals with Millie. We had a 30 min wait in the car cause they close the canyon every day from 2 - 2:30 for avalanche control, which I didn't know about until today. So that cut into some of our time on the hill, but that's ok.
They struggled, as we all do when we're first learning to ski, but they also did really great! 
I hope it was a good experience and that they try it again! I'm glad that I've learned to ski, it's a lot of fun, and it's great being up in the mountains. Daniel had to go to the bathroom, it's never good timing for that, but we gotta take care of those bodily functions, so I left them alone and hoped for the best for them and D and I ran to the lodge and then we were going to meet up with them at the car. 
They were a little slower than us, which surprised me - turns out they had an adventure of their own as they dropped a pole on their last ride up the lift before it closed, so they had to hoof it down and back up the mountain to get it. We were back home at 6 and I thought of going on a quick bike ride since the roads were clear, but Corey texted that he was almost done with work, so instead I got Little Caesars for the kids and got ready for date night. Corey and I went out to eat at Epicurious, it's one that we like and have gone to several times. I like the black tiger shrimp curry bowl. 

One last item, inspired from a recent BeReal of Joseph's - Back in October, Mel sent a message on family messenger chat with some quotes that she collected as he overheard them. Then in November, she sent out her second collection. Both collections are on that November link/this post. It has become a tradition to send Mel the good one liners that we hear and we look forward to her compiled quote wall messages. Joseph sent a few to us that I think will make the March quote wall... Joseph asked Mel to give him a haircut, and she said in a "the Chosen" accent "Your faith is beautiful..."
I wanted to upload more quotes, but at the moment, the universe is working against me and I can't get the quotes from Whatsapp. But they are really fun. Actually maybe I'll send them to myself over gmail. .. just sec.... (5 minutes later) Ok, got 'em - here are the quotes that she sent this month on March 4th: 
  • Ethan: “The natural man yelling inside me wants your sandwich, but the more Christlike side of me wants to let you have it. He’s not very loud.” 
  • Me (Mel), continuing to eat a sandwich that I let Ethan took a bite out of: “I hope you don’t have cooties”
    Ethan “If you think about it, hands are a lot grosser.”
    Me: “Which hand did you touch the sandwich with?”
    Ethan: “…My wiping hand.”
    “We ran out of soap in our apartment”
    Me: “You didn’t wash your hands?”
    Ethan: “I tried! I did the best I could with what I had… How’s your sandwich btw?”
  • “One of God’s greatest miracles is making women attracted to men. They are so ugly.” - Ethan
  • “I’m gonna make Synthesis look like a joke” 
  • “Want to know how many hours of sleep I got last night? Trick question - I didn’t.”- Grace (Mel's roommate)
  • Hyrum's deep thoughts about the LeapFrog kid videos - “Mr Quigley is under serving society. He could make such a difference in the world with top-of-the-line technology, flying cars, breathing and talking letter organisms. He could make it big. But instead he’s aiming at 5 year olds” 
  • “Gosh they’ve got to make a gaming section of gospel library.” Hyrum
  • “Minecrafting will be the next step of the gathering of Israel.” - Hyrum
  • “People who play video games aren’t even using their bodies. They are not fulfilling their purpose for being on earth.” - Mom
  • Doing scriptures before watching Matt Walsh: Dad - "Let's bring the spirit in before we offend it"
  • “My first kiss felt I was kissing Joe.” - Ethan
  • *Ethan farting on the Lego spaceship of a guy he doesn’t like ”Revenge is so sweet.”
  • Ethan “I don’t feel like I’m 20”
    Me: “You don’t act like it either”
  • “Mel. Mom and Dad have 13 kids, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to have going to have grandkids. You have to keep the legacy going!”
  • “I think everyone should experience the sights, smells, and sounds of a working rest home.” - Joseph
  • “I’m singing at the edge of my manhood” - Guitar teacher Lawrence green 
  • Wes: “I want a wife”
    Ethan: “Get in line!”

Aren't those fun? We are a fun group, I like my kids. We have a fun time together. Life is good. I'm excited to go skiing with everyone tomorrow and to not worry about someone watching K at the lodge! 

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