Thursday, March 16, 2023


I took some pics of Owen today at his trumpet lesson. He is a good little student. 

Fingers up!

I forgot to BeReal yesterday, but here was today's was during Owen's lesson. 

I usually try to NOT take Katharine to his lessons, but she came along today. And that's ok. What else... often Corey texts me photos of stuff he's working on. I think he just sends them to me cause it's the fastest way to get pics from his phone to his computer. 
He jokes that he is working on a time machine. 
Those are some of the pics - I have almost no idea what he is doing, but I hope it works. Even when he writes out to me what he's doing, I still don't know what he's talking about. It's English, but... well, see for yourself. This was a text from December.

This past week there were two major things accomplished. One is a working UX architecture that not only shows the different “scenes” with each tracking library working, but also has space for the User Interface – buttons/menus et cetera. The Unity 3D game engine wasn’t designed to have a persistent interface showing (is meant to just play games in full-screen). We had to figure out a work-around to resize each scene and keep a persistent UI without breaking tracking. Though not needed immediately, we also added text localization – meaning the ability to show all the text in the client in any language we choose. Localization is almost free at this point in development, but get’s really expensive if you wait until you need it.

The second major thing we accomplished is changing the way we manage/keep track of the position of every object being tracked. We now have the ability to have each device give its own version of where it thinks things are without stepping on each other’s toes as they flood the server with position information. That need wasn’t anticipated when we were going to rely on spatial anchors. But now we properly store the position of every object from the point of view of every device. Tomorrow I’ll start using that information to “calibrate” the devices – meaning computing and verifying all the relative offsets. That should allow us to know where the needle tags move in relation to any other device in the system. Getting closer to that yellow line in the spreadsheet I sent last week.

Yeah... did you understand  any of that Katharine? 
Neither did I. I did understand and was totally excited about this idea from Mormon Doctrine under Book of Life and Recording Angels, which came up in my lesson prep. I can't find a copy of the quote online and I don't have time to type them up here, but I loved the idea that WE are our own recording angels, and our own Book of Life - our lives are recorded in our very bodies and when we die and meet our Maker, he can read our lives in us as if he were reading a book. Pretty cool idea. 

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