Thursday, April 13, 2023

GMS Gala

Spring break is over, and now the kids have a few solid weeks of school with no breaks. They are also back busy with their GMS classes and lessons. Abi had a GMS Gala tonight. "Spring Gala, celebrating 14 years"...

It was a big deal and she was so nervous and worried about it. We tried to prep her last night with this talk by Craig Manning - keep saying "I GOT THIS!" "Today is MY day!" 
She has practice and worked hard, but the piece is really hard and she was nervous cause she had a big solo part. No, she just corrected me... she had "like SIX of them!" They were playing Beethoven 7th symphony, 4th movement, and then the other song was one that she learned literally the day before - I can't help falling in love by Elvis, "but it was super easy. We played when the people were getting their food, I was so flat, but hopefully no one noticed..."

She had a dream about it last night... correction: "A NIGHTMARE... of everything flopping! I woke up at 5 am just thinking about the concert 'Shoot... that's today!'" and she was trying to hold it together but she had a few tears in her eyes when Corey dropped her off. She didn't want to go in with her eyes all red. I told her I was fasting for her (and I did fast) and thankfully it is over now and she's so relieved that it's over, and she was also so happy cause she played it the best that she's ever played. 
And she hit all the high notes. "Well... I got all the important stuff right and I like nailed it basically! But I messed up on all the stuff that I've never messed up on before, but those were in places that didn't matter as much. But I can still hear it in dad's recording, but whatever." Tell me more Abi... "We basically were stuck in a green room for like 7 hours while we ate toffee cookies and grapes. We just walked around for a million hours and made awkward conversation."

So good job Abi. Corey talked with Abi's teacher - April Clayton. Abi and Melodie are both going to Vienna this summer for something, and turns out there is also something for a clarinet player, and so Lily might try out for the conservatory and see if she can get ready and so there's a slight chance that Lily might be able to go to Europe too, to Vienna, and then the three of them might take an extended trip for a few days to Bulgaria! Exciting opportunities for them, and we'll continue to pray for the Lord to help us and provide for us as we seek to provide these experiences for our children. One more photo - Abi and Lily both take the bus downtown to GMS on Tuesdays and are there almost all day. Lily made her own BeReal on the bus, that made me laugh - 

She looks so happy, lol. Yes, very excited to go to her clarinet lesson. They are good kids. I'm glad that Corey has gotten them all into music. I think it's keeping them out of trouble. 

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