Saturday, April 15, 2023

Hello Biking, Goodbye Climbing, & Soccer

Good news - Corey and I went on a ride this morning! 
I went on a ride on Monday after violin, on Tuesday morning, and then again on Wednesday. 
Corey was sad that he didn't have a bike to ride to join me. As I have mentioned, Corey's bike was stolen out of our garage. We're not sure when it happened. We had it when we went to St. George in January... so sometime between Jan and a week ago, April 8th, when he noticed it. He came home from work with the intent to take a break and go for an evening ride, alas, his bike was not there. Then he pondered a bit and we think it's actually not been there for a while. So that was sad, and I'm not hating on the person who did it, but I am praying for their conscience to eat at them, for them to feel guilty, and for them to repent and maybe return it. Corey's put it on the bikeindex and I trust that it will turn up sometime in the future. Stealing is mean and wrong, don't do it. But justice might not brought to pass any time soon, but I trust God that all injustices in this life will eventually be made right. As for now, Corey needs a bike. We did not have money set aside for it, but with my new American Airlines credit card that I applied for after our flight into DC last week, (which got me a free 50,000 miles!) we ordered one and yesterday I got a text today that it was ready! I read the text at 4:45, which was just in time for me to be able to drive down and pick it up before they closed at 5:30, yay!
And now, since biking season has begun, we're saying "see ya later"  to Momentum for a bit. I have very much enjoyed it. I think we'll join again next winter, but now that it's warm enough for biking, we aren't sure we'd get over there enough to get our money's worth. We could have put a freeze on our account, but since we're planning to wait for more than 4 months, it's cheaper to re-enroll instead of paying the freeze fee. But it's been good and I thoroughly enjoyed it and I look forward to coming back to completely new gym (since I'm sure it will be all new V1 climbs in November) - they are always changing the climbs. 
I went climbing with Abi on Wednesday. That was the first time I've been bouldering with her. I'm not sure if she liked it, but I think she was impressed with all the climbs I could send. I didn't tell her to but she took some pictures of me on the hanging V3.
The past two times I came, the final hold on this had been turned 45 degrees and I couldn't grab it with both hands, so I'm glad it was horizontal again today so I could finish it for real. Yay. I also was able to do the hot pink V2 right next to it that is also really hard/scary for me. Momentum bills on the 15th, so we had to cancel by the 10th. So I did that on Monday, with some sadness in my heart, but I climbed as much as we were able this week until yesterday, our last day. I wanted to go for date night, but instead I went after we got home from date night. It was late, but it was our last chance, so I left even though it was 9 pm. Deadlines make things happen. It was too late for Corey, plus he needed to get a little bit of work done. But Lily came with me and we went to Momentum Lehi, cause I'd never been to that one. It was fun. I had 6 V3 attempts, didn't send a V3 though. I did 20 other sends, and two V2 attempts, so that's a total of 28 climbs. Not bad for my last hurrah. I was going to try and climb until my palms were bleeding, but they gave out before I got to that point. I'm excited to climb again next winter and work my finger strength up to V3 level again, and I'm going to try to keep it as best I can here at home by doing chin ups every day. Or maybe going by the elementary school playground and doing a few back and forths along the monkey bars. 

So, yeah! We're glad Corey's has a bike again and we'll be hitting the paved road until the snow is gone on the mountain trails. A few other things from this past weekend - we didn't go on a ride today because the morning as busy with the boys having their FIRST soccer games! Owen's team is Fuscia - 
And Daniel is White - 
I like Daniel's little crooked grin. They stayed in their uniforms all day and played soccer in the backyard. I guess it's a hit!
And on Friday, Corey went snow mobile-ing with a neighbor. 
They went up behind Timpanogos on the Alpine Loop. Pretty fun! 
Sophi stayed home from school and went with him. 
And tonight was Stake Conference, and before that Corey took Abi and Sophi to the temple, and then they went out for a treat. Abi spent 9 hours at GMS, so when she came home and asked to go to the temple with the few free hours she had, Corey said it seemed like that was something he should take her up on. 
And Wes had my car all day for Olympus Prom, so I walked down to the Stake Center with Katharine in a stroller, and then Corey came after the temple and we went home together after. Good weekend, busy week. We're halfway through April, I'm crossing my fingers that it will be summer vacation before I know it. 

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