Saturday, April 22, 2023

Soccer Snapshots

I took Owen and Daniel to their soccer games this morning. I worked really hard today so that Corey could get some work done. He never feels like he's able to make progress, so he took me up on that and did feel like it was a productive day, so good for me for taking things on and helping him out today. We're fasting for him and his career, praying for him to know what to do and to be strengthened as he provides for our large family. So Owen and Daniel both played super well today! I was especially wow'd with Owen in goal! He did such a good job!
I was seriously impressed - he wasn't afraid of getting hit in the face with the ball. When the other team was coming down, he didn't even flinch - he just went straight for them and stopped the ball! Like 3 times!

Daniel did great at his game too. He scored two goals and let me know that Corey said if they score a goal, we go and get Wendys. I checked with Corey and got out of that, cause that was Dad's promise, not mine, so Corey ended up taking them out tonight. Corey sent a funny message as they were out - the kids (SNOD) were talking about how many kids they are going to have, and that they have to have as many kids as their parents did, to make sure that each of their siblings has a chance to be born (that was my thought as a new mom, that I should have 7 kids, cause my parents had 7, and if I stopped at 6, then that meant that my baby bro Grant was never born! and that would be sad... my kids have a larger number to do, so I don't know if they should try to follow that advice... anyway) So Natalie said "I gotta make sure that Katharine is born! ...but I'm not sure about these two..." she said as she looked over at her brothers, ha! Followed by "Just look at them..." as they were slurping their ice cream Frosy's like little animals. So that was funny. They kinda are little animals, but we're glad to have them, and it's great that they are passionate about soccer. It's cute. They love dressing up in their soccer clothes and going to practices or playing in the backyard. And something fun happened today while we were watching Daniel's game... This little girl was playing with the soccer ball - 


I turn to watch the game, then I look over and this little girl is standing up! She is standing up all by herself without holding onto anything! Katharine!!! Short video of the moment here, I loved her little chirp at the beginning.
She was showing off more tonight to everyone's delight. 
She's getting so big!! Another month and she'll be almost one year old! We can't remember life without her. We're so glad she's ours forever.

A few other snapshots of today - Peter playing with a Boba Fett lego that I got him for no good reason other than I'm a pushover. 
I need to stop though. We have too many legos!
And I know it's just a matter of time before this one gets busted up and lost in the lego matter covering the basement floor. Admit it, Peter, you know it's true. (Peter's got some pretty good eyebrow skills.)
Today Mel and Wes searched up a youtube video of Randy Scouse Git and learned the chords and Wes has been practicing it and singing it all day. It's pretty fun. Who'd have thought that my kids would like the Monkees! They were trying to learn it but couldn't hear it over Abi practicing flute, so then she came over and improvised playing it with them. Fun.
Lastly, Abi often borrows my phone to check Instagram. Today Mel was visiting, so they like it when they don't have to ask me (I try to say no as often as I can.) They were able to watch funny reels for a bit. If someone ever starts watching Instagram videos, there is soon a crowd huddled around the small screen. 
Church tomorrow, it's been a good week. Time for bed.

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