Friday, April 21, 2023

Holy Habits

So on Sunday, I made some little checklist cards for the kids (Wes Abi Lily Sophi and Natalie) Here's Natalie's as of Tuesday.

I'm calling it "Holy Habits" as you might be able to read from the top of her card. Wes wanted his card to be small enough to fit in his wallet, hence why they are all pocket sized. Mine is slightly bigger - I put it on a clipboard, it's 4x6 size. It's been a great few days with having this in front of me to help me stay on track! Wes has been liking it. Corey said that Wes did 9 hours of math today and loved it! He felt a little guilty for having that much fun, ha! I've done really well with cleaning and exercising, gave a solid performance in spiritual goals and reading, and there is room for improvement with violin. On Wednesday Corey took away Lily's chrome book, and said she could use our computers for homework, cause he thinks she's not using her time wisely with free access to the online world. She didn't come ask me to use my computer for homework until 9:45 at night. I told her she should have done it earlier, now was time for bed. And then this morning we found that she had spent some time yesterday sorting candy sprinkles by color, and then making a sprinkle mural. Pretty impressive, Lil. But is this really the best way for you to use your time?
We thought it was funny and we teased her a bit, all in fun. I know that start watching themselves and what they are doing and how they are spending their time, that they will start to spend it more wisely. I was reading a great book - Better Than Happy by Jody Moore, and it is really great, I loved chapter 4 on the Law of Abundance. As I was reading, Katharine came up and took my pencil. She thought it was pretty funny. 
I'd growl at her to give it back, and she'd laugh. And she took it and tried to write in the book like I had been doing. 
Funny funny adorable baby who makes my heart so happy. I love you Katharine!
So when she stops me from being productive, I go and try to pick up toys or fold laundry. Katharine is a slight handicap to me though. 
Oh but she's cute. 
Her first tooth broke through on April 3rd and she's often sticking out her tongue to feel it. This morning I gave her an apple slice, and it was so cute to watch her gnaw on that - 
She's grate of little bits of apple pulse with her tiny tooth and get drops of apple juice. 
She was feeling like, with this new tooth and skill, that she's a big kid like Daniel! 
Good job Katharine! You ARE a big kid! Growing up so fast. I can't believe she's almost 11 months, and next month she'll be turning one year old. Where does the time go? 

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