Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Where's Waldo?

We had a crazy winter, and that caused a crazy thing to happen out at Corner Canyon. Corey shared a news video with me today of some houses that were built over there that had the ground beneath them erode so much that the houses slid over the cliff! Ann's Trail and Clark's trail are both closed indefinitely.

Lily had a lesson today, and Corey took her down to a Little Big Band open house thing. I don't miss the SoundHouse, so we'll see what Corey's thinking if he wants Lily to do that. I vote for GMS up here in SL over driving down there. They hurried and made it in time to an youth activity that was so fun... The youth in our ward all went to the mall and tried to find adults from the ward who were there dressed up in disguises. They had asked last week for volunteers to sign up and come out, and I would have loved to, but since my daughters/sitters were gone to participate in the activity, I'd be a dead give away with Katharine in my arms or the other little kids following me. But Corey signed up to go, and he looked great. 

Abi found him though - his shoes gave him away, and then Abi verified it by his phone, haha. Super fun activity. The kids all came home telling me how fun it was. Good job to our youth leaders!

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