Thursday, April 27, 2023

Decisions & Ties

Bike ride with Corey this morning, we made it to the first bridge again, and THEN took the road all the way to the Lisa Falls parking lot. My BeReal - Corey coming up behind me. 

Go us. For more exercising, tonight at Daniel's soccer practice I did like 20 passes on the monkey bars, it's all I have since we cancelled our Momentum membership. I miss it! I have been thinking about climbing every day. I don't want to lose my strenght, but I'm trying to relax and find other things to do. Monkey bars were pretty good - after that my hands looked like I just went climbing. We decided to cut the Momentum membership for $ reasons. Corey's been seeking revelation and as he read his scriptures this morning and pondered his career, he read in 1 Nephi about when Nephi had two problems: his broken bow, and his command to build a boat. Corey texted me "Am I building a ship or hunting for game?" He pondered on that and said "If I'm building a ship, then I stick it out and try to get this thing to float. If I'm hunting for game, then I spent my time finding a deer to shoot." I don't know the answer, but whatever conclusion he comes to, I said I give him my full support.

Wesley has been getting revelation too,  cause he's been going to the temple with friends from school every week, and the temple is a revelatory place. They go on Thursdays. He is dressed for the temple when he leaves to go to "work" with Corey, where Wes does his BYU online. Wes always has very cool knots in his ties when he leaves. He said it's fun cause one of the temple worker that is there notices his ties and knows the names of the knots, and will make comments like "The Eldredge, huh?"

I never knew that there were more than one ways to tie a knot! Here is a pic of his Rose Bud knot

And his other favorite is the Vidalia.

He said the Trinity is also a pretty simple one that looks really cool. So yeah, that's fun! 

Another item of decision - Sandy is redesigning their flag, too. 

We saw this video about Flags recently that I thought was so clever and funny - "DOES YOUR FLAG FAIL? Grey Grades The State Flags!" Way to eek out a win at the end, Utah! Utah got a new flag, and after watching that, I'm glad! 

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