Thursday, May 4, 2023

Baby Taking Care of Babies

When we got home from our bike ride this morning, Sophi was holding Katharine, and Katharine was holding three Beanie Boo baby toys. 

She seemed very content and happy to have something to take care of. 

And Katharine has been a bit clingy the past little while, and after seeing her love on these animals this morning, I am thinking maybe she just needs a responsibility? 

Like she just needs someone/something to take care of?

She was very content holding this baby sloth, little panda, and koala bear. She kept them close all during breakfast. 

Abi used to be a very affectionate mother to her dolls. Lily had a motherly phase too, as did Natalie with her "baby". Cute. We'll see if one of these animals becomes Katharine's favorite. 

Owen had his trumpet lesson today after school. We listened to Wreck It Ralph in Spanish in the car, cause I decided I'm tired of listening to it in English, but it would be fun if we were able to learn it in Spanish! So I've been subjecting the kids to that on repeat this past week. After trumpet, we took Daniel to soccer practice, and I had Owen and Peter come with me. We've made a new rule that Owen can only play outside at friend's houses, because we think he has been playing too many video games over there. So I took him to soccer to keep him away from screens. At the park, he conquered his fear of the fireman's pole and he was able to do it! I did the monkey bars until my palms were hurting - trying to keep my hands and arms strong and hopefully be able to keep up with my climbing that way. Owen wasn't able to do the monkey bars, but did great on the pole, so that was a step in the right direction. I also pushed O and P on the swings. Then they made pillows for themselves in the woodchips so they could take a nap.

It's good having time at the park. My BeReal with Peter - 

We have a morning dove nest in our back yard, and you can see it from the little deck off of our bedroom. After Daniel's soccer practice, the kids were playing in the back yard with Corey and called to me because they found a flightless bird. I saw it and knew it was one of the morning dove birds. Super cute and fluffy. It took me two fails before I was able to pick it up, and then I passed it to Natalie to hold while I went and got the ladder from the garage. Corey then found another baby bird but that one was dead. It was stiff and cold so it had been dead for a little while, I don't know if the cats got it, or if the kids somehow hurt it playing in the backyard. We buried that one, and then before getting the ladder I went to our room to look at the nest to see if the mother was there. And that was when I noticed the mother on our deck! She had been watching her baby the whole time. 

I was able to put the baby back in the nest and we're hoping it's ok. 

I googled a bit for info if I had made a mistake by touching it. It looked pretty big and feathery, so I think it was 12-14 days old. Sweet morning dove. Then Abi wanted to go to the temple. Sophi and Lily went with her. I took them, so that Corey could stay home and play with the boys. I took my bike, but it was raining, so I didn't ride it. I just took a walk in the rain. The temple looked beautiful.

I got cold and went but kept walking until I found the remains of two deer in the same spot - wondering if it was near a cougar den or something, yikes, so then I hurried back to the car and waited for the girls for 45 min. Note to self - keep a dress in the car in case I ever have a last minutes chance to go to the temple. 

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