Wednesday, May 3, 2023


The weather has warmed up a little bit, and with that, Katharine has been introduced to the trampoline.

Her hair gets very static-y as she crawls around on it. It gives her a little bit of a thin haired Einstein - look. 

Katharine feels pretty cool when she is able to stand up on the trampoline!

No walls to help me up, and I can stand with no hands!! I'm so big!

This is also next level because the ground moves a little bit from underneath her. 

You're getting pretty good, Katharine! You're going to be walking before we know it. 

Abi got this cute photo of her this evening when I was at the temple. So cute, her little scrunchy face.

We just got a high chair for her. We've had high chairs before, but then I hate storing them, so I donate them, so we got one again from Kid to Kid. It's been good to have. It's nice to be able to lock her up when we're in the kitchen. It helps us load the dishwasher without her pulling the knives out, or cook food without her grabbing our legs!

I picked up carpool today, and then saw I had a chance to go to the temple, so I took it. I went to the Jordan River temple 4:30 session.

It was beautiful. I had taken a nap with Katharine from 1-2:30, so I wasn't tired and I was glad that I stayed awake almost the whole time! (I only dozed off for one brief moment). I loved the purple blossoms in the trees, and all the tulips on the grounds were sooo pretty. 

I got home in time for my babysitters to leave for their Young Women activity. All the girls dropped off clothes that they didn't want at a leaders house, and they had tables set up with clothes and accessories, and all the girls went shopping for new outfits. It was super fun. Lily got a rainbow sequin shirt! Ha, so fun. And then they had a red carpet fashion show. I thought it was a super fun activity and all the girls loved it. 

One more picture of Katharine standing up on the trampoline tonight - in a different outfit... 

One drawback of having her sit in the high chair and feed herself, is that she gets very messy. Here are a few other photos from yesterday. Peter found my phone on my bed and took this one!

And a few more pictures of her on the trampoline yesterday. 
She likes to play hammer and ball toy-like game.
She takes a large play ball and puts it in between the trampoline springs and then hits it through with her hand. 

Then we say "Where'd it go?" and I pick it up and she hits it down. Fun fun. 
She's so smart and learning so much, it's so fun to watch her grow and discover the world. I love it.
This last pic is from yesterday morning, taken by Natalie as they played on my bed.

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