Tuesday, May 30, 2023


I think I've still been recovering from the late night drive on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I've been trying different things to help me get through. Wes and I had bribed them to go to bed early on Sunday night by saying we could get up early to play video games, and that backfired a bit, cause yesterday I let them play for too long and now they've been asking for more today, which is a bit tiring. A good thing I've done is I signed up for a two week pass at Momentum. I went last night and today and that's been great. I really like bouldering. I've been trying to keep up my arm strength by doing pull ups and monkey bars when I have the chance, but my palms and forearms are definitely sore from climbing. It apparently works muscles that monkey bars don't. While I went climbing, I left K with my niece, then brought Rhyan to our house. She helped watch kids while I took my final exam for my Life Coach certification course. I got 100% on my final, but it was super easy, exact same questions as were on the weekly quizzes. Maybe it was just easy cause I was over prepared? I did take 37 pages of notes over the past 6 weeks as I did the reading assignments. Still, as I wondered if it was just an easy test, I remembered that I had a free sample test that in my inbox that I got from the International Association of Coaching. So I took that too and I got most of those right, even though it was asking questions about their system, the 9 Mastery Keys, which I hadn't heard of before. I didn't finish that test though cause it reset twice when I was almost done, and then I didn't bother starting over again the third time. But I think the IAP test was easy, but then again maybe being a life coach is just easy? I'm glad I took a step to be certified though, even if it was just jumping through a hoop. 

So, today I was feeling quite stressed. I sent a polo to my sisters and SIL's and Beka saw it, reached out, and came over and helped me. We both cleaned a bit and now the front room, side room, and kitchen are clean, plus vacuumed stairs and cleaned upstairs bathroom, and bagged two leaf bags of pine needles. She took the kids outside while I finished up vacuuming. Katharine earlier - she hasn't been giving me a free moment. 

Peter has been coughing a lot and coughed so much he threw up so I bought him popsicles. I bought popsicles to help his sore throat. I got some Michoacana variety pack and quickly consumed the coconut popsicles on the drive home. Stress eating, perhaps? Yes. And then I hurried home and then loaded up the kids to go pick up carpool. I was feeling kinda mad at myself for most of the day, for turning to food when I know better and that it was my emotions running wild, but then, later tonight on a drive out to Momentum, I listened to my sweet SIL's podcast "Hyprocite vs. Human" and it made me feel so much better. I am a human, and IT IS OK for me to BE HUMAN and have human moments. It's understandable, and it's ok. And I will get through this week. And it's totally ok for me to stress eat if I want. This is a hard week with the girls gone. (Sorry Corey, but I do miss their help the most! But of course I do miss you :-* too!)  I also took a ride up the canyon this morning. I made it to the Lisa Falls parking lot and then took the road up to Maybird. I was going for Snowbird, but checked my phone to see how much further I had to go, and I had been gone for 75 minutes and I was still 3 miles from Snowbird, so I called it good. BeReal from that ride - 

So I'm glad I've gotten exercise in even though once I'm home I can't get a darn thing done, although I did finally finish loading the dishwasher around noon. Wes has been good with watching the K and boys in the mornings while I take a ride. 

She's a cutie.

But everything is harder with K at my feet. When I try loading the dishwasher she's either grabbing dirty dishes and standing on the door with dirty water, or if I'm putting away the clean dishes, she's grabbing those about to throw the glass plates on the floor. I'm grateful that Beka came over to save me today, thank you Beka!! 

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