Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Katharine is 1!

Happy Birthday to our princess!! I sang her happy birthday after she was awake, she liked that. 

And singing her a song was about it for my birthday contribution, so there ya go, K! Hope you liked it. She acted like I was being so weird and silly!
She's a pretty happy baby in the mornings. 
Even though I'm a party pooper, K had grandmas that come through for her. My mom came over and brought K some cute new clothes and a swimsuit and a fun dog guitar.
Ok, Katharine, now YOU'RE the one being weird and silly!
Did you know that Katharine and my mom share a birthday? That is part of why Katharine's middle name is Ann - cause that is my mom's middle name too! Taking a selfie with the birthday girls before my mom headed out - 
Katharine's sisters are sad that they missed her party, so we might have another one after they get back next week. Tonight they arrived in Puerto Barrios after a long 8 hour bus ride. 
I think a girls vacay is a good idea. Next year we'll let Corey stay home and Katharine and I will join them. 

Today was the last of school stuff for me - carpool one more time, but lucky me, turns out no one needed a ride, so yesterday was actually my last day. Hip hip hooray we've survived the school year. After Beka's help yesterday, I felt like I had wind in my sails and so I didn't exercise this morning and instead I was cleaning and sorting. I cleaned the girls (LSN) room, I cleaned up in Abi's room, which was already clean, except for some little boy found the green aloe vera gel and put little quirts of it all over her room - on her hair brush, on her fake plants, in a jar she had there, all over her pile of clean clothes and her Big Joe chair and her socks. Wesley texted me pics of that last night after he discovered it. Oh, also a squirt on his computer. So that was what I started doing first thing this morning and it got the ball rolling for a good cleaning day. But I didn't get a ride in this morning, but I did just go for a quick ride tonight - took the car to the parking lot and just did a 60 min ride. Now it's time for baths and to wrap up the day. Happy Birthday sweet Katharine. We are so glad you came into our life exactly one year ago! (I know that cause I keep stats and I know times and dates... I'm finishing this up at 8:30 pm!) :)