Thursday, May 18, 2023

Good and Beautiful

Life is good and beautiful right now. My heart is feeling full and grateful. It helped that I was able to get away and go to the temple yesterday. I did initiatories - 
The flowers are lovely there and everywhere. There was some rain and a RAINBOW tonight - 
I guess I usually have really awesome weeks when I'm preparing to lead the lesson at church (I do the 3rd Sunday of each month). I also led the discussion in Study group this week, so that is a good warm up for me to give it a run though and attempt to be a bit less scattered than usual. I've been meaning to share a quote with the ward probably since February or March, but I keep forgetting (it gets lost in all my papers and books and displaced thoughts) but THIS TIME I'm going to share it for sure, first thing. It's the quote I shared here on Monday as I was talking about Victoria Ruvolo and forgiveness. We are recording machines - we are each the record of our own lives. The Mormon Doctrine topic under Recording Angels was good too and talked of the same thing, thanks to Lili De Hoyos Anderson for bringing this quote to my attention (can't remember which podcast episode she mentioned it in, but it's from her podcast "Choosing Glory") So that was good, and I also went to a Mental Wellness class tonight that I really enjoyed. Our Stake Relief Society President is the mom of Joel, who was Ethan's best friend in Elementary school. She is a professional counselor something, and has done a few free classes for us and wow, what a blessing and a great resource she is! She taught us about the 4 F's of Survival: Fight - Flight - Freeze - Fawn (like deer in the headlights). The best place to be is in the SCC - Safe, Calm, and Connected. Otherwise it's usually in the 4F's area - it was good. A few other items - Sophi went to Boondocks today as a Safety Patrol reward. She loved that. Mel got home from Spain. Lily babysat some neighbor girls - 
She let them give her a makeover. They might have been going for a hobo look? 
If so, they did an excellent job! For exercise, Corey and I are still biking. Yesterday I did the fish tail by myself and I'll brag to myself: I got a PR on the approach hill! 5:20 woo-hoo. 6.23 miles, 31:45. Today Corey and I rode past 3rd bridge, then I headed back but Corey went all the way to the top. I got a PR for the coalpit area descent and silver for the fastest section alive 5:24. PR for up and back from Power Plant to 2nd river crossing and back to Power plant - 39:59. I also did some handstands and headstands. I did the monkey bars at Daniel's soccer practice, I did good but got a flapper on my left hand near the end, so then I was done. We got invited by some neighbors to go see a night light lantern thing tomorrow and they hooked us up with free tickets, so we're going to go to that tomorrow! Should be fun! We have such fun and awesome neighbors. 

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