Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Walking with a Painting

Another day, another afternoon of Katharine being so cute. 
She was practicing walking for like 20 minutes, and as she practiced she insisted on holding this painting of Natalie's. 
It's a picture that Natalie painted for the school art contest, and she didn't win (snifff) so she brought it home, and Katharine was very drawn to it. 
She kinda used it as a cane a few times, or like it was like a balancing pole for a tight rope walker. It was so cute and funny to see her do her little workout. I just enjoyed watching her walk around with it and took too many videos. I loved her balancing and jabber, her stumbles and little squeeks and grunts, heavy breathing as laughs... so adorable. Two short videos here and here, and a 5 min video
I'm in love with this adorable baby. I wish that everyone could have all the babies that they want. She gives us such joy. 
Watching her try new things and learn is so fun. 
Being a mom is the absolute best. 
Katharine was enjoying a fun and easy part of growing up today. Peter's been having a harder time with his growth lately. He fell on the trampoline and hit his head super hard on the metal frame and had a big goose egg. The bruise is still visible, but the swelling has gone down. Then tonight, Corey and the kids were all in an intense game of soccer, and the game ended when Wes did a super hard kick that went straight into Peter's face and knocked poor Pete off of his feet. 

Corey was calling out kids' names for recognition tonight, and said "And let's hear it for Peter who was so tough when a ball hit him in the head!" and Peter was so sad at the memory of it, he just shriveled in Wesley's arms. He's on the functioning human level, and that puts him out in more dangerous terrain than Katharine faces on the fuzzy carpet. It's tough, but he survived another day! We love you Peter! Kids are the best.

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