Friday, May 26, 2023

Hike and Temple Endowment

Corey is headed to Guatemala tomorrow with the girls. I felt like I needed a breather this morning as I prep my soul to be on my own, so this morning Corey went for a ride and I went for a walk. Bells Canyon was lovely - I put all the pics I took here on my nature blog, and here's just one for here - 
And as I was walking I checked in on him on Life 360 - and he went all the way up to freaking SNOWBIRD! Ugh! That is so far up there! He has set the bar high. Maybe I'll try to do that while he's gone. 
Owen at the bus stop as I walked home - Just one more week for him - 
And today was the last day for all the girls, since they'll be gone in Guatemala. Enjoy your last day of school, Sophi and Natalie! Last day at Granite for Sophi since she's moving onto jr. high in the fall. 

So they're missing the last week of school - I'm not sure if that means they are lucky or unlucky? Abi and Lily are a little sad to miss yearbook signing. 

This afternoon Corey, Melodie and I went up to Bountiful to join family with Seth as he went to the temple for the first time to receive his endowment
I took that pic - then got myself in it - 
There were some storm clouds moving in, and it started to rain a little, so we hurried to the car. And then poor JeNeal was ahead of us and accidentally drove her scooter off the curb! It was painted yellow for most of it, but then a section of it was not painted, and it kinda was marked like it was the slope down to the road, but it was a curb and she drove right off it. She fell over on her left side and I'm worried about her arm and hip. I remember once at Park City, I was in front of her and she was following me out to the pool, and I tried to kick the door open far enough that she could hurry through behind me, and she went for it but the door swung back and hit her arm and she got really bruised and cut. As we get older we just get banged up so much easier... I hope she's ok! She and Wayne headed back home after that accident and the rest of us went out to eat at Rumbi Island Grill. Joseph wasn't able to make it to the temple with us, cause he was taking the MCAT. He came and joined us for the meal afterwards and he felt it went well! 
He seemed so relieved to have that test done! He's been studying and preparing for it for months. Good job Joseph! He should have his score back in about a month, but he feels it went well and he's pleased and feels good, he trusts that he will get a decent score. So that's all the stuff from today - busy day. The temple and Rumbi Grill counted as our date tonight cause Corey and the girls need to get ready for their trip tomorrow. Busy busy, but it's great, life is good. 

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