Thursday, May 25, 2023

Summer Birthday & Upcoming Trip

Took a ride with Corey to 3rd bridge this morning. I was able to bike over the big pipe again! I know how to do it now, yay. Low gear, low seat, and go fast. Today 9.56 miles, 1 hour 15 min. PR for power plant to 2nd river crossing and back to Power plant, 39:39. And 3rd fastest time for LC Descent, lower half, 8:07. Also did the fish tail tonight with my silver bike from last year. I wanted to see if I could go faster since that has 3 gears, and I DID - Got a PR for church to Wasatch of.... 1:58! I was pushing hard, standing up the whole time, I was breathing super hard and kinda have a sore throat now. I also got a PR for the approach hill!! 4:58, woot go me! I'm not going to try and beat those times again until the season has ended and we're doing our final rides in the fall, after a full summer of conditioning. I'm looking forward to a full summer of bike rides every morning! Natalie is a summer birthday girl, so today her school class celebrated her and they had a party. 
I sent in some treats, the took pics, probably sang to her.

We all love Natalie! She is going to be on safety patrol next year. She's excited about that. Natalie is fun. She left us this special note on the toilet paper. 

And I think she's also the one who wrote these profound words of wisdom. 

Appropriately capturing the encouraging words of her father given to teenagers and college kids when they say life is hard. 

It's not THAT bleak, Natalie. There are happy moments too. But let's keep expectations low - it IS going to be hard, but the challenges are good and it's worth it. For example, Corey is taking the girls on a trip to Guatemala this weekend. He had most of it arranged except for the flight down, since he had to wait last minute to book that so he could use their Frontier "fly for free" tickets. Looks like they are going to make it. They are flying on Saturday at 3-ish from SLC to Las Vegas, then leave Las Vegas at 11pm for Miami, then to Guatemala City. Now that traveling and flying is going to make for a lot of hard work for your dad. I'm glad to not be traveling with you guys (cause I'd probably have K and all the other little ones). It's hard, I dare say it sucks, and yes, we will die before we know it, so it sucks and then you die, but I'm sure you'll have a fun time in Guatemala at the beach and other lovely places. Part of the suck part of life is trying to pay for it. I asked Corey how much he anticipates this trip costing. He replied with the following screen shot of his trip spreadsheet:

  • Flights (taxes, fees, 1 bag): $647.78
  • Interval week: $229.00
  • Hotel in Las Vegas on way back: $125.86
  • 2 Hotel rooms in Miami Florida: $61.00
  • Bus to/from Puerto Barrios: $192.00
  • Hotel in Guate on the way back: $?
  • Tours: $?
  • Impressions on young minds: Priceless

  • Yes, I'm sure there will be priceless impressions made. Good job sweetie. And again, I'm glad it's you, not me. I'll be home with the little ones. I'm bracing myself for things to be a little harder than usual since he's taking all my daughters... All my good sitters will be gone. I hope I can still get out biking. If I get my morning fix I might be able to cope. Katharine, I hope you go easy on me. 

    She fell asleep on her face today - we all got a laugh out of that.

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