Thursday, May 11, 2023

Past Few Days

Hello. It's been a busy past few days. Let's see if I can give a qrecap of some things... tonight Katharine was looking so sweet and beautiful playing in the tub - 

And another pic that is almost the same of her sweet face, and I'm loving her little ears - 
Oh isn't she so cute?!? And then after her bath, the kids were playing with her and putting stickers on her face...
and I don't know why/how they had my phone but they were taking a video at the same time, and then Natalie put Katharine on the table, and Katharine slipped off and Natalie caught her but she still got bonked and that gave her a fat lip. 
The kids were sorry. They were also and are surprised that a fat lip can change a persons look so much. 
So that was the most recent happening of today. We also went to Daniel's soccer practice tonight. After it was over, the kids were all playing in the volleyball sand like it was the beach. 
Getting nice and dirty.
Dig dig dig - 
And Katharine is like "Hey guy's, let's eat this stuff!"
How does it taste, K? She also took a few bites of blossom petals - it looked like there was white snow all over the ground by the car where we parked at practice today. 
Spring is here and in full white and pink bloom (and more pink). 
I've been able to enjoy the flowers a little bit in the mornings when we pass them on our bike rides, (which we've taken each morning!) but I haven't taken as pics of flowers like I used to on walks, cause we're going too fast to enjoy them. I haven't minded taking Daniel to his soccer practices, cause I can do the monkey bars, which is all I can do since we cancelled our Momentum membership last month. It's sad :( sniff, I miss climbing, so do Lily and Wes. Everyone else seems ok. This morning Katharine was holding Natalie's old "baby" and I thought "aww..." 
The stuffed animals that are special to the kids come to hold a special place in my heart. I've been keeping them on a shelf in my closet once the kids out grow them... Natalie's Baby is in my room now, except for when Natalie or someone gets it down for Katharine to play with. Owen still keeps Louie on his bed, and Daniel still has his bear, and Peter sleeps with Tiny. What else... On Tuesday and Wed was carpool, flute and clarinet lessons for Abi and Lily, Lily also had a spring concert at school. Things are busy with all the usual stuff that come with a large family. On Tuesday, when Daniel went to the kindergarten bus stop, he wanted to ride his bike, so I attached the bike trailer and put Peter and Katharine in that and we were able to get them and the bike all back home, slowly and carefully so the bike wouldn't hit them. 
And of course Katharine has been practicing walking more and it's so fun! She doesn't get discouraged, she just keeps practicing and trying! Short video here, and a longer one below, both from Tuesday.

Also from this past Tuesday - Sophi had some friends come over to play, and they wanted to play with Katharine. They used her like Katharine was a real live baby doll! 
One of the friend has a smartphone, and so they did a photo shoot of K. This one was probably their most professional looking shot.
Some of the others had a bit too much of the "behind the scenes" in them.
It seems that Katharine was being patient with the game.
Dressed as a strawberry - from her Halloween costumes.
And an old outfit from the 70s or 80s that my mom gave me that my sisters (and I?) used to wear.
I thought their pictures turned out really cute! That was all from Tuesday. Fun. 

One other thing from last week that I hadn't documented yet - Wesley and Ethan went to Arizona on May 1st to go rafting on the Salt River with some of our neighbors. 

They earned their keep by being the muscle to putting up the tents and packing up the raft every day. 


  1. Kathrine looks so cute in that little strawberry costume!!

  2. Kathrine looks so cute in that little strawberry costume!!
