Monday, May 22, 2023

Sun Mon Report

Hello Monday! It's almost time for bed, there is only one Monday left of the school year. I am glad that we are coming closer to the end of the academic calendar. Things are good, and I'm looking forward to a break. A few things - Corey booked me a flight to Indiana for next month for when my sister gets married. I am going to be traveling ALONE (maybe...) well, definitely alone as in I will be the only adult, so that means I'm going to have to pay attention to stuff instead of just following Corey around. I am debating whether or not to bring Katharine. I don't want to stop nursing yet, but I do not want to haul her and her carseat and her diapers on the taxis and planes with me... so we'll see. I'm thinking about it. My current ticket has a layover which means I'll basically be spending a night in Las Vegas (arriving at 9pm) and then leaving for Indiana at 5 am... I'm already a little stressed about that, but "I'm a strong independent woman" blah. I hope I can handle it. I think Vegas is the biggest stress hurdle I have... I don't want to take Katharine for that, but I also don't want to leave her for 3 days (I'll be leaving Wednesday June 28 and coming back on Saturday July 1) ugh, I guess I'll figure out what I'm doing by June 28th. 

We went up to our nephew's mission farewell yesterday. Seth got his call on Valentine's day to serve in Santiago Chile, and now the time is here! Corey served in Santiago as well, and so he is especially excited for Seth.   Seth starts the MTC next week. We went up for a social gathering at their house after church. Katharine making herself at home - welcoming guests inside?
She's a little short to reach the doorknob and open it, so we just left it open and let her sit there and smile. Haha, she's a cutie. I taught the lesson yesterday on Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 19–20; John 12 (a lot of chapters to cover!). My BeReal on Saturday was me trying to study a bit more before class., after soccer games the kids wanted to play at the park - 
Yesterday the discussion was mostly about how the Lord looks on and knows our hearts. I feel like examining our hearts and changing the inner man has been a theme this year as we've studied the New Testament. And I love that cause it goes along with what I'm trying to apply from life coaching. Good stuff. I took a bike ride to the top of the quarry trail this morning - 11.25 miles, moving time 1:39:53 - not great time, but pretty good. I got 14 emoji medals, yay. A PR of Quarry up and down with Techy 1:22:19, and temple quarry to mushroom land 41:10 and Power plant down 2:16 :) I did the avalanche area well (which I've done pretty consistently), and I did the under the branch part before the 2nd bridge! AND I did the big pipe after the 3rd bridge! That's the first time I've ever done that problem!  Biking is fun. I like it (Still miss climbing though). BeReal was at violin today, so nothing special. Just a head shot of me and a blurry pic of Peter, since he posed briefly and then moved to come to see the picture as it took the picture. Time for scriptures and bed. 

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