Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Snowcones & Ice Cream

I had to take Lily to jazz band today, so Corey did the bike ride without me, sniff. But summer is in the air!  Soon I won't have carpool or any morning commitments, so yay, we're almost free (for a few months). Today Daniel and some friends had a little party at Molly's house, before Avery moves away. They enjoyed snowcones and fun playing together on the tire swing and zip line. (Molly has a sweet back yard). 

And at our house, we broke out ice cream cones too - My mom brought them by. Mini Blue Bunny cones. 

Perfect size for toddlers. 

Cute little tongue.

Digging the last of the chocolate out of the bottom of the cone...

It was cute seeing Katharine in her swimsuit! She's so pretty.

I got her a few suits at Kid to kid, in prep for summer fun. It's just around the corner! Swimming and more biking and hiking in the mountains - here's Joseph on a hike with a friend named Rachel on a hike (Bridal Veil Falls?) She is really great and we're hoping for the best for each of them. 

I also changed the flourescent light bulbs in the laundry room today - they've been out for a while. Yay we can see. 

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