Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Big Lego Helpers

Yesterday Melodie took Wes, Abi, and Lily to Ephraim for FSY (For the Strength of Youth). My "big helpers" were gone, but the little kids stepped up and proved that they are amazing helpers too! They wanted to play the Wii, and I said only after we got all the legos off of the floor in the basement. Daniel felt the task was too big, but I started, and I was working fast, with a big paper plate helping me scoop the legos from the carpet, and they started helping and tried to keep speed with me. We kept filling bins, and I didn't have to remind anyone to keep working - I was very pleased with all of them. It was so cute to see Daniel and Peter sitting under the table, raking their fingers across the shag carpet there to find any little studs and legos hands that they could. They all worked great! 

And they were excited to see us making progress. The biggest kick I got was from seeing Daniel go from and say "We're never going to be able to do that!" and then after an hour of work: "We're almost done!! I knew I was wrong!!!" Haha! Little kids ARE big helpers!

So that was great. It was 2:00 and I started to get the Wii out. They were all feeling so proud and lovey-dovey afterwards too, giving me hugs and being so kind to each other. I told Corey of their working success and then he said it would be good if we could delay the reward and to maybe not get the wii out yet. I had already promised them, and said they could still cash in their work time for Wii, but if they wanted to work more, they could earn more time. They were good with that and cleaned the kitchen. Good kids. So they played for 2 hours at 4:00, that was yesterday, and today they didn't earn video game time. That's ok - they got my productivity going and I organized papers in the basement today (sorting out a pile of papers for each kid from boxes that I threw together prob a year ago when I decided to clear off the basement desk - put it all in a box and then organize them one by one. I got through two today. Mel took Sophi and Natalie to violin today, that was nice of her to help me out. I've been enjoying time with Katharine before I leave her tomorrow. Mel's BeReal from today - 
Natalie has been teaching K how to use a bottle. I'm a bit sad about leaving K, but I do not want to travel with her by myself, so, I am leaving her. 

We'll all get though this. I leave for the airport tomorrow around 5:30 - giving myself lots of time for error. 

I'm going to try to have the house semi put together for Corey and Mel before I leave so that they can coast through 3 days without my help.

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