Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Off to Indy

I'm on my way to Indiana. I gave myself plenty of time here at the airport. I left home at 5:30, plane leaves at 8:35. Corey drove me in and walked me in up until security. 

I'm feeling a bit like a baby, but am also resigned to my situation. My biggest worry is Katharine not nursing after I get back home, but I shall press forward in faith. I ran an errand before I left - I returend library books and went to Costco to get Corey mango juice for his bike rides. I put some in the freezer for him - that was my little thoughtful surprise, good job me. My biggest stress is spending the night in Las Vegas - mostly because of the "get to the hotel and then get back to the airport" logistics that I will have to figure out soon. I'll be arriving in Vegas at 9:05, and my flight to Indiana leaves at 5:30 am, it's just a 10-15 min drive, so I am going planning on having an Uber pick me up at 4 I think? Let me see... Ok, I just did my first scheduled Uber. That one is scheduled for 4:10 am. Wake up at 3:30 to pump, get ready, go, arrive airport, don't need to check baggage, security, should be quick enough to get to the gate? I think?!?! Ahh... so, this is all slightly stressful.

Just looking through pics of today... you know how, in my last post, I was talking about organizing papers in the basement and feeling so proud of myself? Well, with the clean basement, I was not the only person inspired to get to work... Natalie got to work playing school...

Her classroom students - 
AND this is what she did with all my bins that I had started sorting and organizing. But there were 4 missing. I started to drill her - where are all the bins I had across the floor? And where are the papers that were in them? She said she just put the papers in other bins and then put them all on top of each other...
So that's how my sorting just got killed. I didn't go fix it today - no time. I told her to NOT move things around any more and I'd fix things after I get back on Saturday. We also found a little dead bird outside - it was not stiff - it was soft and must have just died - crashed into the window or something. It wasn't there when Corey and I went on our ride this morning. I brought it in for teacher Ms. Natalie to show her class for a nature lesson. 
And yeah, now I'm off and am going to post this and hopefully blog a little while I'm in Indiana and I'll be back on Saturday. Wishing myself good luck on catching my plane rides today and tomorrow. Will be boarding here in another 30 min. I'm going to do some lesson prep (I teach on Sunday about the resurrection! Such great stuff in the podcasts this week, I loved the guest on Follow Him! Part 1 and Part 2. (Also I remember loving Ross Baron's podcast from last year in Isaiah Part 1 and Part 2 conversion story was amazing - Part 1 at 4:25 Dr. Baron shares his background as a Jew and Latter-day Saint) Corey and I listen to so much each morning on our ride, and we share things with the kids during the week, but I wish I had more time to sit down and articulate thoughts... Agh but can't do it now, gotta go study Resurrection scriptures - I think I base a lot of my lesson on Teaching With Power's stuff for this week.) Ok, gonna try to be productive before I board the plane. 

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