Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Feeling Better Presentation

I went on a hike in the mountains yesterday morning. It was a bit foggy and rainy, but it was really nice. I was feeling contemplative, as we all have been, as I thought about JeNeal, life, the sacrifices Corey's been making for his parents and that he makes daily for me and the kids. The clouds and rain seemed to fit the mood but it was peaceful, too. I went on the quarry trail, where we usually bike, and it was fun to get off the trail into the side paths and explore a little bit. 
I took some pictures of flowers and fun moss that I thought looked like little palm trees when I zoomed in! We also have more lovely roses at home, but I'll resist sharing more pictures. Well, I'll just do one. 
So it was nice to have quiet time. 

Today was a kinda "big day" - I presented a little lesson for the Relief Society. I was the facilitator for a Jody More "How to Feel Better" Lesson. At first this was scheduled to be in May, but it got pushed back, and I was ok with that cause I was able to finish Jody Moore's book and I also was able to get "certified" as a life coach, lol. (I do not feel certified, but I was able to say that I am, so there.) Those who know what good and serious life coaching programs are, who might ask me where I certified, will know that I did not do one of those. But those who don't know and don't ask will just know that I'm a certified life coach! haha. But I love life coaching stuff. I love how it's helped give me some tools about how to face hard circumstances, like all that's been happening with JeNeal. I know I need to practice it more with the little stuff that trips me up everyday, but I love it. It really works. It's all in our head! It's the Belief Box! (I've been loving this stuff for the past 10 years!) It has helped me take more ownership of my life and feel much better overall than I have in the past. I hope to keep doing better and feeling better as I continue to learn, coach myself, get coached, and practice living better. I didn't get any pics of myself presenting today, obviously cause I was presenting and also using my phone for the video. But I did get a pic of the LOVELY and amazing refreshment boards! Wow! So pretty! With healthy options and some tempting treats for any sweet tooth cravings as well. 
So it was really nice. Here is one picture of what it kinda looked like today - just imagine me standing there. I took this pic yesterday when I went over to the church to practice a little bit for what I might write on the board, and making sure I was able to play the video from my phone (and from the computer if necessary as a back up.)
I think overall it went really well and it was a good step forward in doing something else life coachy... I'm not sure what my next thing will be. I probably need to focus on myself and get this last 10 pounds gone (I need to finish the Naturally Thin for Life program: finish watching the videos and finish filling out the workbook). Ok, yes, that is what I will do next.

Update - One friend, Nancy, who was at the presentation, sent me this image that she saw on Instagram that she thought went along with the message from Jody Moore, I like it!
"The Key to a unified church is a unified soul, one that is at peace with itself and not given to inner conflicts and tensions." Pres Howard W. Hunter from his talk "That We May Be One" (given in April 1976 - my birth month and year!) I love it!!!

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