Saturday, June 10, 2023

Biking & Trek

This morning Corey and I took our first ride at Corner Canyon! 

We're thinking that Saturday could be our "recreational" ride - just taking it easy and taking a low-key ride. The other 5 days are hard work going up the Quarry Trail. This was just fun. We took Canyon Hollow up and Rush down! We would have gone over to Ghost Falls but the connecting road was closed. And I will also say that I'm totally bummed that Ann's is closed. I'm sure the people that had their houses fall of the cliff in April are a bit more bummed than I am, so I guess I'll deal with it, but I miss you Ann's!

Wes, Abi, and Lily got home from Trek today. They went to Wyoming for Trek. They arrived home today at 2:30. Taking a picture of them - they are going for the "do not smile" pioneer photo.

Abi and Lily breaking character a little bit - 

They had a lot of fun, we'll hear more about it tomorrow and go through photos that the leaders send (the kids were not allowed to take their phones). They did a good job unpacking and putting away their stuff right away!

Then Wes mowed the lawn still in his pioneer gear (he didn't want to shower yet if he was mowing). The roses are in full bloom and so pretty  - there to the right of him. 

So it was a great weekend. Good to have the big kids back. 

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