Friday, June 9, 2023

Red Butte Peak

This morning I went on a hike with some friends - Can you see me? 

That one isn't Red Butte Peak - that was just a little one in front of/to the south-west of Living Room. We hiked to Red Butte Peak on accident, but we meant to just go to the Living Room scenic spot. We hit Living Room on the way back down, and I scampered over to the peak right in front of it, that I guess it too small or insignificant to have a name, but that is what I'm posing on in the photo above. I'm in black - so you'll have to zoom in to see me and tell me apart from the houses and trees in the background. Here are my hiking friends from the top of Red Butte Peak. 
At Livingroom below -
I had never been to this trail before. We missed the Living Room trail on our way up because, since my friends were hiking without their kids, it went a lot faster than they were used to. Their time sensors were messed up cause we were at the turn off after just 25 minutes and usually it takes her an hour to get to that point, so she was thinking "no, it's not yet, keep going!" haha. Then after we were almost at the peak, the other ladies were like "I do NOT remember this..." so that was funny. But we were almost at the peak so we kept going and we were very glad we did! It was gorgeous on top - looking back into the Red Butte Canyon behind/to the north of the peak, I felt like I was an ancient explorer looking at an untouched wilderness. I definitely want to go there again! More pics from today - Katharine being absolutely beautiful and adorable, as always.  
Her shirt says "Hello Summer!" 
Joseph has been down in Tempe Arizona this pas week as a counselor at FSY there. He will be there next week too.

Corey and I went out to eat tonight at Aubergine in Draper - that is our 2nd weekend in a row eating there! I guess we like it. We ordered the same stuff too - Cashew melt sandwich, Chicken and Curry bowl, and today we got the Mediterranean Salad. And two nice creams for dessert. Good stuff, and we don't feel sick after either, which is different... haha, I still think their slogan "eat better, feel different" is stupid. Why not "eat better, feel better" - anyone can feel "different". Anyway, I digress. A few pics from yesterday - Owen has a talent that we did not know he had. I'm not sure how this came up during scriptures, but we learned that Owen can touch his tongue to his nose. 

He might be a freak of neature! Daniel had soccer practice last night. I didn't get any monkey bars in, I was just nursing K in the car the whole time. But I did enjoy watching Peter be an adorable little boy - playing with his wood sword, fighting the tree branches. 
And yesterday I got Katharine this cute shirt at Kid to Kid! Yay! Monarch Butterflies! They'll be here soon!!!

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