Saturday, July 15, 2023

Bye Snowbird

We are back home after a great week at Snowbird. I loved the biking, I enjoyed the hiking, the kids loved the pool, and the view and mountain air was rejuvenating. Here's a photo after we finished a hike yesterday evening. Peter was feeling pretty tough after we were on our way back to the car and it was almost over!
Wish he had felt so capable on the hike. But he did good for a 4 year old. I was glad I was able to get them outside at all. The kids did not take full advantage of all that Snowbird had to offer, but I did, so I'm happy. It was a great week for me! The kids read books and watched a lot of Bluey, which I like more than SpongeBob, so I probably let them watch too much. But when Katharine was taking a nap, it was our best option. 
And she took a super long nap yesterday, which I was grateful for (I've almost caught up blogging March and our trip to DC, ugh finally, I'm so behind.) Yesterday, I had to threaten them with "No pizza and no books and no swimming tonight if you do not come on a hike right now! WE ARE GOING!" and then they knew I meant business and they got ready. There was still a lot of complaining and "ugh"-ing, but my resolve was firm. I was committed to endure , and I did. We drove up to Alta, I thought we'd do Cecret Lake, that Joseph did yesterday. He said he heard it was a good kid hike. But as we tried to park, I unfortunately learned that the road to the Albion Basin is still closed, so that made what might have been a short hike quite a bit longer, and the kids let me know it was difficult. Especially Peter. He vocalized that his legs were very tired of walking and "Why do we have to walk?!?!?" But, when there was a chance to climb a rock, well he was ok to do that. 
I agree that rock climbing is more fun that hill slogging. I endured a no fun hill myself yesterday morning. I get it Peter. But we're going to keep walking anyway. Katharine had the best attitude of the kids. Well, she tied with Owen. And since Katharine was being carried, we'll probably have to give the 1st place price to Owen, who was walking. There really was not one complaint or murmur from him! When we stopped and the kids asked for a water break, Owen, possibly not knowing that I DID in fact have water, so, I think trying to not be a burden on me, chipperly said "I'm ok! I don't need water" but after learning that I was prepared and had brought water and ice in a bottle, and seeing each of his siblings drink and receive refreshment, he then looked as them longingly and said "I wish I could have some water..." You can, buddy! It's on the house today. Katharine and I hiding in the shade to take a few selfies while kids drink. Tight lips - 

Trying a frown?
Happy face!
Open wide for another bite of applecore! Aaaa!
She was so cute eating this apple core - little video here. She looked like a little farmer enjoying her juicy corn harvest. She kept taking off her bucket hat and throwing it on the ground. Lily and I took turns carrying Katharine. 
When I was carrying Katharine, Lily Sophi and Natalie would hold Peter's hands and try to swing him. It was good to see them help each other. The older kids tried not to complain, but it was hot and kinda not fun, but if we kept going we could get to a fun part! 
Another water break when we found a tree and some shade, but I tried to not let them have too much cause there wasn't a bathroom around. 
"Are we done yet?!?" I said "Let's just go until the restaurant... (Alf's restaurant)" Once we got there, I wanted to go just a little bit further to the stream, but the kids weren't having it. Ok fine. I'm going to go to the stream, I'll be right back. Peter was in my arms, so I brought him with me. Sophi decided to come along too. We made it to the chair by the river. YAY! Ok, NOW we can sit down and rest. We had to do this hike so we could come up here and sit down. 

And, since no one was around, I tried to do a headstand. 
Someday it will be a handstand, but for now, I'll call this cool and pat myself on the back. Ok, NOW we can be done. Heading back down. Sophi and Peter also earned an ice cream sandwhich for going the extra mile.
When we got back to the shade of the restaurant, Lily had put Katharine on her front. Lily carried her the whole way down. Thank you Lily!
Back at the room, we had pizza for dinner and more Bluey. Corey left early for work, but came back up  tonight with Wes, Abi, and Ethan! Corey and I went out to eat at SeventyOne there at the Cliff Lodge, and when we came back, the room was quiet. Everyone was out swimming. We went out to check on them and it was fun - Ethan's presence upped the level of play going on at the pool. 
Ethan and Wes were mostly the ones wrestling, but they used the girls as their shields and hostages at times. It was a bit intense. Corey said "There's probably a sign somewhere saying to not do what we're doing...." They were having king of the pool matches to see who could push each other off of the concrete and into the pool. There was also a bit of pegging people on the head with the balls, using the streaming guns to blast people in the face, dunking and throwing. Corey got a few videos. We were laughing, little boys wimpered a few times, but mostly it was screaming to try and get away and laughing. 
Katharine slept through all of it. Maybe that's her survival instincts kicking in: "You're way out of your league here, you won't survive, time to go into hibernation mode."
So the evening, and our week here at Snowbird, ended with that fun pool party. It was good. Today we slept in, woke up, packed up the food (so the kids would have no choice but to help us get ready to leave) and then we woke up the littles. 
Check out was at 10. Back at home, Wes Abi Lily and Sophi went with Corey's Dad to see Sound of Freedom. I ordered tickets for all of them yesterday. Good movie, important message. They liked it. Wayne took them out to In-N-Out Burger after. 

 The boys went to a splash party for a neighborhood family that is moving to Arizona. 

They had a soft serve ice cream machine (mango and vanilla) and rainbow rice krispy treats and brownies. 
It was a perfect summer party.
And now we're unpacking and washing clothes from our week. We have a few days to chillax and then on Wednesday we head up to Bear Lake for a reunion with all the Hibberts! That will be great, we're really looking forward to it. 

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