Thursday, July 13, 2023

Hike, Visit, Trumpet, & Pool

Today was a busy day. I knew it was going to be busy, so I took a morning hike as my personal time... up the Peruvian Gulch Road/hiking trail, which honestly just sucked. Just up and up on a dirt road. Very steep. Sure, I got a good view once I was up the mountain. I'm not sure this slog was worth it though. 
Ugh. I was tired. I left at 6, told Corey I'd be back at 7, cause he was going to take the kids on a bike ride up at Albion Basin. 
I came back down Blackjack, and I noticed there was a little trail with a waterfall close by, I thought that it would be fun to do that with the kids later. Back at the room, Corey was still in bed, he wasn't feeling well (had an allergic reaction to something last night when he went on a walk with Sophi and Lily) so instead of him taking the kids for a bike ride, I headed back out and took them to the Blackjack Waterfall Trail that I had just discovered. As we walked out, this sign made me laugh - 
Every home should probably have that disclaimer on their door. Just to serve as a reminder before anyone heads outside! Be warned that l life is hard and dangerous - and you're about to go out into it. Be careful!" Along with the hazards, there are lovely things too - like pretty flowers! 
This short hike was a lot steeper than I though. The kids did great though. 
We only had five stumbles resulting in merely 3 injuries. Made it to the waterfall, but there was no room to explore or feel safe with little kids, so we turned right around (after getting a picture). 
Katharine was being very affectionate. Perhaps feeling vulnerable and recognizing her own mortality. 
She felt safe holding her stick of wood and rock, rather than holding onto me (I kept slipping on the steep trail!) I took this pic from like 10 feet higher than the kids as we headed down. 
So we survived that little adventure, then we headed straight to the car and went home. I gathered a few things from home, Wes and Abi (who have been at home all week enjoying the peace and quiet while they do BYU online work) asked us how long until we were leaving. Ugh. You know, I would like a quiet week at home too someday. Sophi went to a friends house (who had a b-day yesterday and wanted to hang out) and I took LNODPK with me to go visit Corey's mom. She's been recovering from a broken arm since the end of May, and it seems like some problems are piling on top of each other. She spent 15 minutes sitting up while we were there though, and the physical therapist thinks that having the kids there really helped. Putting her back into her bed. 
Lily commented JeNeal on how long her nails were. She joked that, for what she's been through, it wasn't worth the cost. She also fell out of the bed the other day, trying to reach her phone. 
Daniel asked her what happened, and she said "I think YOU did it!" It was fun to see her clever wit still strong as ever. Corey gets it from her! 
The kids liked watching the fish in the tank.
We stayed there and visited for like 90 minutes, then we hurried to Costco to get JeNeal blueberries, then we headed to Owen's 2:45 trumpet lesson, which was the appointment behind today's errands. We got there with 15 min to spare. Katharine took a little nap, my BeReal notification went off as we were waiting in the car. 
After his lesson, we went back home to get Sophi and then headed back up to Snowbird. Corey was grateful to have a quiet place to work on the 4th floor lobby, with beautiful views out each window. 
Today was a rare day when he actually felt like he had been able to stay focused and get a full day in. I was glad to hear that, and made my sacrifice worth it. Girls were quickly back at their books - 
I took Corey some hot dogs for dinner and we visited for a bit. We visited for a bit, and while we talked I ordered WALSN movie tickets to go see Sound of Freedom on Saturday. The kids said hi before we headed to the pool.
And now it's time for bed again. Cute Peter asleep in our room with his brontosaurus dinosaur Tiny. 
It was a busy day, I'm glad it's over. Tomorrow I don't need to go down to the valley for anything, so Corey and I will take a morning ride, and we'll enjoy our last day up here. It's been great being up here at Snowbird. I could live up here. I'm glad we came. 

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