Friday, July 28, 2023

Girls in NYC

Mel and Abi flew out safely last night. 

They took a red eye flight to NYC and then are flying out again tonight from there for Europe. doing some sight seeing - Glad they were able to have a little bit of fun in NY

The World Trade Center Monument...

Some delicious chocolate pancakes for breakfast? Or is this dessert? (For us American's every meal could be a dessert!) The are in different clothes here, but I think these pics are all from today - so they must have just gone to their room and showered and cleaned up? 

Going to see the Statue of Liberty - 

There she is!

A little closer. 

How fun for the two of them to be able to take a trip like this together! I'm glad that they are traveling buddies. 

So they are flying out tonight from NY and I think are going straight o Vienna? They'll be in Austria for most of their trip, and are also going to be in Varna, Bulgaria, for a few days at the end. I don't relaly know that much. I think Corey knows a lot, like who they are traveling with and what they are going to be doing there. 

I know they will be playing their flutes. I should probably be more involved, but I'm glad Corey knows and takes care of most of it. I'm taking care of the little ones at home. 

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