Saturday, July 29, 2023

Owen is 8!

So Owen's birthday was Thursday, but that blog post was full of funeral stuff, so today we'll give a shout out to our cute Owen!
Isn't that such a cute picture!!! Owen! You are so cute! I totally love this photo of him! Owen sometimes gets a bad rap from us for being a little bit weird or for not knowing how to smile, but he's proven he can do it, and do it beautifully. That's ok if he chooses not to sometimes. So for Owen's birthday, we had a last minute party on Tuesday (as in I texted his friends moms this past Monday and asked if they could come over for a water party on Tuesday from 10-1), so that's what we did and we called it good! 
I didn't say that it was a b-day party so there were no presents, and that's how I like it. And after the funeral on Thursday night, Corey and Ethan took the kids and Owen's bff Oliver to Classic Fun Center.
So we dished out the money for a party too. And then my mom came over today with some gifts for Owen and a chocolate cake. 
Happy happy birthday Owen dear! 8 years old is a special one as members of Christ's church, cause 8  years old means it's time to be baptized! He is going to be baptized on Hyrum's birthday on Aug 12. We tried to see if we could wait until Hyrum got home, and we had that going and scheduled with our ward but then they got message from the stake that they want us to do it with the stake, and they only do it on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Hyrum will be home the end of August so he'd miss it if it was on the 12th,, but he'll miss September too cause he'll be up in Idaho for school on that 2nd Saturday. Bummer,  so we're going ahead with it on Aug 12. Hyrum will be there in spirit (and on fb messenger). 

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