Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hibberts at Bear Lake

Hello from beautiful Bear Lake! I got here first with my crew (ALSDPK) and Corey and his car full just arrived (7:40)
I left around 11, with a 3+ hour drive ahead of me as I traveled to Afton Wyoming to pick up Abi, Lily, and Sophi from Young Women's camp. I'm sure their leaders will have better photos to share after the week is over, but here's a few I took today - their shelters. Wes is walking over to help them grab their sleeping bags and pillows.
Abi smiling in her camp door. 
We packed up their stuff, then after a 2 minute drive, they realized she had forgotten some things (camp chairs at the firepit) so we went back and grabbed those. Ok, now we're going, just like 90 minutes until we're at Bear Lake. It was a long drive for Katharine. I filled up the car with gas and got her a sucker in Montpelier as we finished out the drive. The torture is almost over, sweetie!
It was great to get to the cabin.  
It was a beautiful home with an amazing view! The cabin was high on the hills west of the lake, and large windows looked out over onto it.
Kids checking out the games.
My mom brought lots of markers and the kids got busy coloring.
We arrived around 5:40. Corey and his crew arrived 2 hours later. Joseph and Mel took BeReals during their drive. They got to share that it's no fun to drive in the summer heat in a car that's air conditioner is broken... Mel's BeReal...
But the torture is made slightly more bearable with slurpees. Corey came with Joseph, Mel, Ethan,  Wesley, Natalie, and Owen (O asleep in the back).
Here's Owen getting out of the car, putting his apron back on... 
He and Daniel got lost in some game this morning, and so when we were telling him it was time to pack and leave, Owen really really wanted to bring the kitchen toys. Here's his suitcase, ready to be loaded up.
I relented. I had already helped him pack a backpack with his clothes and toiletries. When his siblings saw him unpack a suitcase full of plastic food, they were worried about how he'd manage over the next 3 days. I told them it was ok, I got it, and that I was aware he packed plastic food. Our whole family was set up in a loft room above the garage. The loft has 2 rooms and one theater area. 1 room has a full and bunk bed (that is for Corey and I and PDK), another room with 2 bunk beds (ALSN) and the college kids get the living area, which has another bunk bed, and they'll probably be sleeping on the couches there too. So that's the sleeping arrangement, and after Corey and kids dropped off their luggage we were ready for the first meal. 
We have a good group up here! We did a head count earlier this week and the tentative totals are: 

Parents: 2
Camilla: 8
Tiff: 14
Neil: 6
Jersh: They will be coming Friday with Sophie
Patrice: 5
Beka: 2
Grant: 6
Grand (possible) total of about 45! 

Neil's wife, Amy, was the resident chef for us and catered for the whole reunion. Here is the email she sent yesterday of the plan for food (for 50 people!):

Wed Dinner:  Hamburgers and Hot Dogs with the all the fixins, pasta salad, corn on the cob and watermelon, Pina Coladas compliments of Beka and Matt
Thu Breakfast:  Breakfast Burritos, Orange Slices, Banana Halves
Thu Lunch:  Sub Sandwiches or Nutella, PB&J, Chips, Apples, Grapes, Vegetables, Otter Pops
Thu Dinner:  Hawaiian Haystacks, Fruit Salad, Cookies and Brownies
Fri Breakfast:  Pancakes, Bacon and Scrambled Eggs, Orange Slices, Banana Halves
Fri Lunch:  Sub Sandwiches or Nutella, PB&J, Chips, Apples, Grapes, Vegetables
Fri Dinner:  Smart Surprise
Sat Breakfast:  Muffins, Bagels and Cream Cheese, Yogurt, Leftover Fruit
Snacks:  Fresh Fruit, Mandarin Oranges, Vegetables, Goldfish, Teddy Grahams, Peanut Butter Pretzels, Dried Mangos, Variety of Granola Bars, Fruit Snacks, Chips, Mixed Nuts, Trail Mix, Red Vines

Everyone needs to have a reusable water bottle. We'll only be serving water so if that is not your preference bring your own drinks.

There should be plenty of food.  Everyone can eat whatever they want and when it's gone, it's gone.   Feel free to bring things your family likes if they are not fans of the above items.  

I will need help Friday morning for breakfast, so if you're an early riser, plan on making pancakes.

Sounds amazing! Katharine enjoyed the corn on the cob tonight. 
Katharine, I think you've got about all the knobs off of that thing... 
Let's get you a new cob...
Katharine happy to see Mel!
And she enjoyed playing with the pool balls - 
They made such a cool clicking sound when the hit together. 
Katharine is so flexible.
And there was a party going on outside with all the big boys playing spike ball whilst little kids ran around playing tag.
Coming inside for a few video games.
Peter and Lily coloring.
(Peter is left handed! It's so cute.)
Mel and Beka enjoying some music.
Corey visiting with my mom while also helping Joseph on his med school essays.
Video game tounament!
Card games.
So yeah, that's about what we'll be doing up here for the next few days! Plus playing at the lake, of course, and hopefully some biking! Excited to spend this time with the Hibberts!

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