Thursday, July 20, 2023

Reunion Biking and More

It was an eventful day up here at Bear Lake! This morning started off with me trying to keep up with my niece, Xela, and her husband Trevor, on a bike ride! Trevor had his eye on a trail that was an hour away, so we figured it out last night: Grant volunteered to come with us to be our shuttle driver. He said he would like the time alone in the mountains while he waited for us. He drove us to Tony Grove, and that is where we began our climb. We had an ascent of  up to White Pine Lake, and enjoyed a few moments there in the beauty of nature. 

I'm collecting headstand pictures of myself this summer at different places. Here is my White Pine Lake edition. I'm so cool.

I'm actually just proud that I'm confident enough to do it without a wall. Next step is handstands! That will be next summer's goal. On the ride down, I had two wipeouts. The first fall was a doozy on gravel. I slid, got very dirty, felt battered. I stood up and brushed myself off, knowing I'd be left with a few bruises. But I think I'm ok... and then I noticed my pant leg was soaked, and it wasn't from water from the stream we crossed a while back. It was blood. I lifted up my pant leg and I had a big deep tear in my shin. I thought it was from a rock, but after looking at it at home, I can see that the metal grips of my pedal had gouged my shin. Here I was applying pressure while Xela went to bring Trevor back. He was ahead, I was second, and Xela was behind me.

He had a bag of stuff but didn't have anything big enough. So I rolled up my pants to form a pad, took off my shoelace and tied it around my shin to try and keep pressure on it as we headed down the mountain for another hour. Then a few minutes after that, we were cruisin' along, and the trail isn't used that often apparently, cuase it was pretty overgrown and it was a bit hard to see the trail ahead. Or maybe it was just cause of all the snow and rain we've had this winter and spring that made the plants so healthy and tall. Anyway, I hit some log and went flying into the brush. Good thing there was a lot of brush instead of a tree or boulders, so it was kinda a soft landing, but I was like man, I am not doing well today!

Bring my bike back to the path. That's what I get for thinking I can keep up wiht the 20 year olds. 

Overall, great experience. I don't know that I'll ever come back and ride that again, since it's so far away, even if we come up to Bear Lake again, so I'm glad I did it today. Here's an action shot of me that Trevor took. I'm hoping to look more relaxed/cooler if anyone ever takes my picture in the future.
We went from Tony Grove to White Pine Lake, then Bunchgrass on the way down. 14.07 miles. The ride took us 2 hours and 27 minutes. Corey volunteered to stay with K, who was awake when we left. I felt a little guilty going on a long ride that was an hour away, knowing the distance from the cabin would make it atelast a 4 hour thing...
At home, Xela and my mom binding up my wounds. Pic by Beka. 
Relacing my shoelace. Mom and Xela were very attentive nurses.
Shortly after I got back, Corey decided he needed to head back to SL. His mom was not doing well. He finished up some work first... Lily drawing.
Kids have all been doing art. I especially loved Peter's pictures. Here's a portrait of him, Daniel and Owen. 
A train? Who knows...
More people with glasses. 
And spelling his name! PTR! Good job buddy!
Wes singing a ballad for Katharine. 

Enjoying lunch - 
Enjoying the view - 
Kids playing pool - Wes is about to show is younger cousins who's boss.
And other kids playing video games. We had that on almost the whole time up here. It was a bit of a free for all. 
Kids playing tag tonight as they ate popsicles.
A small storm blew through this evening and shared a rainbow with us - 
Playing games at the dining table. Uncle Matt teaching how to play poker.
More video games downstairs. 
Sitting around playing games, drawing, and just enjoying each others company. 
Another collage by Peter of people and mountains? or teeth? or dinosaur scales? Some matrix-like world?
I should ask him what these pictures are of, but he has drawn so much and used so much creative energy today, that he was tuckered out and had to put himself to bed on a dining room chair.
I had fun talking tonight with my SIL Stephanie about life coaching stuff. She shared some scripture ideas with me - like this little card that shows one way you can mark your scripture with one red pencil.
Around 5:00pm I texted Corey and asked Corey how his mom was. He replied "She’s dying. It may be a few days. They recommend taking her home today but my dad isn’t ready for that so they are admitting her to the hospital (we are still in the ER). she is awake and trying to speak but we can’t understand her. At 5:15 she cried out 'daddy!'"
So that's sobering news to end the day on. Praying for her, Wayne, and Corey and his brother and sister. 

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