Monday, July 3, 2023


We had a fun time camping up at Pineview with Corey's family! We came up yesterday after church, set up camp, and enjoyed a tinfoil dinner. 

Meat and potatoes, yum.

Corey's brother Mark did a lot of work with all the prep for this family outing. 

The boys played some spikeball last night until it got to dark for them to see. 
I thought it might be fun for Corey and I to go on a ride this morning, and even figured out the trail to take (Wheeler Canyon and East Fork and/or Middle Fork that start at the west tip of Pineview Reservoir) but we didn't get a great night of sleep, and thus didn't get up in time to make our escape. Some other time maybe. So we had breakfast (pancakes, eggs, and bacon & sausage) - 
And then Corey took the boys fishing. He bought them fishing gear when I was gone in Indiana last week. When I'm trying to cope, I eat. Corey goes shopping.
They didn't catch anything this time, but they will next time!

Peter missed fishing - he slept in for quite a while.

BeReal went off early this morning and Joseph sent me this adorable Realmoji with Katharine, aaaw!! 

Look at her cute little no-neck face! She is so cute. After fishing, the kids went back to the beach to play. 

Well, what is left of the beach. The reservoir is so full, there was hardly any beach front to sit on! Everyone's canopies and chairs were half in the water!

Older kids jumping off of some metal structure that said "No Climbing" on it. "Oh, that was just for when the beach was dry... they didn't want people to fall and hurt themselves on the sand! It's totally ok right now with all this water." Wes ready to jump.

Ok, climb at your own risk. Abi's turn to make a splash.

Owen did a good job swimming. Sitting on a log for a little break. 

They had fun. When Wes and Abi had had enough, they left and cousin Isaac needed someone to play with. He started to swim over to my kdis ont eh beach. "Natalie! Help me! I'm drowning!" She looked up at him and with little sympathy said "You're too big to drown" and continued to dig in the sand.

Isaac calls to Daniel - "Daniel! Help me!" Without hardly looking up, Daniel yells "Not a chance!!"

Peter has been digging too...

but he looks back at Isaac and then goes to his aid!

Peter, you're a hero! Good job buddy. You other two, we need to work on your compassion. Or maybe they just knew that Isaac was playing around, so they were probably just teasing Isaac back. Peter returns to digging. 

Back at the campsite, we had lunch, Abi threw up (she thinks she overate), and I took a nap in the shade while Joseph and Natalie took Katharine to the beach. 

Playing with the paddleboards. 

Back at the campsite, Corey and I took down camp and loaded the cars. Soon I was ready to go back home. We played with Katharine in the car while we waited for the kids to be done. Peek a boo!

Joseph took these pics of Katharine smashing her face against he glass.

Silly Katharine!

She is silly and o-so cute!

Doing her "ooo!" face for us.

I left with WLODPK around 5, when Corey's sister was coming, so that she could use our car pass. We hit a rainstorm about 20 minutes into our drive. Corey stayed a bit longer and we gave him a heads up about the coming downpour. They were able to find shelter and keep things mostly dry, and Corey left soon after dinner. We had a safe drive home, and that was fun! Corey's family is staying another night, but our kids wanted to be home for the 4th of July breakfast tomorrow, so we'll be heading over there for that in the morning!

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