Sunday, July 2, 2023

Together Again

Mel sent me this RealMoji yesterday, in response to my BeReal as we were setting up for the reception. And I thought "Awwww!!!! I miss her!" 
And now we're back together! I said goodbye to family in Indiana, had an uneventful departure, and after a 3 hour layover in Vegas, I was glad to see "home" from the plane!
(I flew on Spirit Airlines, they say "Howdy") I met and befriended a nice lady from Palestine on the plane, so that was fun. She lives in Riverton, she was there with her 1.5 year old baby and she's also 5 month pregnant so I was eager to help her out if I could, cause I've been there! Traveling pregnant with babies is not a party. Her husband and kids were driving from Vegas back to SL, they were returning from a visit to family in Tennessee. And she realized her daughters carseat was still in the car, so Corey was able to bring Peter's carseat for her to borrow (she was headed straight from the airport to a wedding, but her friend that was giving her a ride didn't have a carseat). Anyway, yeah so that was fun. I felt like Corey (usually I'm quiet and to myself, but I was trying to be a bit outward and it wasn't that hard that time.) I walked out with her so I could give her the carseat. I was glad to see my baby! Katharine!!! Corey took a video of her walking to me with outstretched arms.
Corey also said that she had fallen asleep on the drive out, but once he said "Let's go find Mom!" that she perked right up and was saying "Mom? Mom? Where'd she go?" 
On the plane and during my layover, I worked on my lesson which I taught today (led the discussion for). I had a lot of time to listen this past week, and as usual not as much to write, but the Lord knew that and He helped me out, which I needed considering it was the biggest topic ever of the most important thing to happen on planet earth!! (Christ's resurrection!) It was good stuff. And now, I'm home, lesson is done, WesAbiLily are all home from FSY at Snow College (Mel went to pick them up yesterday), they had fun and have been sharing pics of what they did and what they learned. Abi's friend's BeReal from a devotional - 
Usually it's all been about the boys they met (for Abi) or for Wes, the girls, but LILY had a real spiritual experience where she learned how to turn to the scriptures for help and guidance and it sounds like she had the type of experience that we were hoping our kids would have, so that was great! She bore her testimony at church today and it was really sweet. I'll try to get a FSY pic of Lily and Wes later. Right now I only have Abi's on my phone. Ketchup packets - some kind of joke they had with her company.
We have good kids. So, phew! I'm glad we all survived this busy week. I'm taking a short breather, and soon we're heading up to Pineview to camp with Corey's brother. 

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