Monday, July 24, 2023


It was a busy weekend, and it was nice to have a day of rest yesterday. 
Bear Lake was great. JeNeal passing away Saturday was not great for us, but we are so happy for her, that she is truly in a place of rest! We do not doubt where her spirit is right now and what she is doing. She is in a wonderful place. We all wish we could be there too! But we trust that we will be able to join her one day as we press forward until God calls us home. Until then, we will strive to be faithful to Christ and his commandments. So Sunday was a nice day to take a breather. We still have Mel here. Joseph and Ethan headed back to Provo, cause they both have work, Ethan at the MTC and Joseph at some senior home (I think?) Here at our house we've been talking about JeNeal and giving feedback on the obituary draft and also sharing memories. Here is the Corey I first had a crush on back in the early 90s...
Mel is working on a painting of JeNeal. So stuff like that going on here. Natalie is very helpful with getting Katharine dressed on Sundays. Natalie gets a few dresses down from the closet and let's Katharine point at one and then that means that's the one she chooses, haha cute.
The kids wasted a little bit of time bonding today over Instagram. They have a "Wride Sibs" chat where they send each other funny reels that they find. So that's fun. 
This morning I took Lily down to BYU because she's going to a FSY thing in Mapledell. We are going to pick her up on Thursday for JeNeal's funeral. She didn't want to smile or for me to take a photo of her...
But I was quick and sneaky and got this one. Cute Lil. Have fun at EFY.
We'll see you Thursday for the funeral. They are doing the funeral on Thurs (asap) because Mel and Abi leave that evening for a trip to Europe for some concert things, and we all wanted them to be able to attend the funeral. We're sad for Hyrum and our nephew Seth that they are gone, but they'll be able to zoom in and watch it. Lots to do. 

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