Thursday, July 6, 2023


Hello at 9:30 on a Thursday night. I found 5 monarch eggs this evening, yay! Things are good. Normally it would be time for scriptures, but the kids are all outside playing night games in backyard. Corey's still gone, working or visiting his mom, I'm not sure where he's at right now. Corey thinks he might be broken. He doesn't know what to do. Yesterday he texted that he has no one to counsel with, although I tried to suggest a few people. Instead he decided to go stress eat an eclair. Poor guy, his burdens are heavy... "Every 30 seconds for months (years?) I think about money/career and wonder how I'm gong to pay for things now and in the future. That might be my biggest source of stress." He followed up with a few other notes: 

"B has to cut the help down to 10k per month. That is not enough" I replied with a sad emoji. Next text "My mom is wailing in pain" - I replied with a face with tear emoji. Probably not the best way to support him - just sending emojis... "My dad doesn’t know what to do" - broken heart emoji. "I need to find a job" to which I sent a prayer emoji. Way to go, me, for being there for him! Actually I did say a prayer, then went to open my scriptures, and read Luke 24:38 - "And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?" Do the fears that trouble us really just come from thoughts that arise in our hearts? Look to the Lord, Fear not! Good news was that a friend came into work with him today, and after remembering me suggesting he talk with someone, Corey shared some of his dilemas and thoughts about career with Dave V, he was able to give Corey some advice. So that is good. I'm impressed with Corey's high tolerance for stress. I don't have that kind of endurance. Lily felt a little stressed yesterday after finding that some little people got into her things and made a mess of them. To cope, she drew a pictures. She came and showed me what she had done, and she had a smile on her face. "It felt really good to just draw it out!"

What a great way to cope! Good job Lil! I really liked the flailing arms. 

And the attention to details here was fun too - such as the T that has a red "Owen 22" written on it, ha!

One last thing from yesterday, Wes took Peter to go see the new Spiderman movie tonight. They both put on some Spiderman clothes to wear to show that they are serious fans. 

Peter fell asleep about half way through, but he loved going and Wes is such a sweet big brother to Peter. We are also trying to be available to support Wayne and JeNeal - Wes went over there today and mowed their lawn and pulled weeds. 

I have not practiced violin for quite some time. I maybe have gotten in one session of 30 minutes. Other than that, I might try and play a song or two. But as soon as I get tuned and start...

That was yesterday. Honestly, I started laying Mussette, and then Katharine heard it and came into the room, and grabbed my legs. I think violin will have to be put on hold for a few years. Or I can practice when someone take Katharine on a walk outside or something. Owen had a trumpet lesson today. He did well, although my note taking in his book was looking pretty sloppy, since I was trying to not fall asleep. Abi had a flute lesson today at 11. I'm glad my kids get to learn and practice their musical instruments. I should have kept going with piano when I was a kid. It's my own fault for complaining so much. Actually, I always thought we quit cause I complained, but it was actually cause my dad lost his job and so music lessons were cut from the budget. I found that out a few years ago. I still could have practiced even without a teacher. So sad, all that free time of my childhood... I wish I could get some of it back! Ok, one more pic for today - of Joseph and Rachel. We like her and are hoping these two stay together!

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