Saturday, July 8, 2023

Snowbird Weekend

Yesterday morning I took a break from the bike seat and went on my Friday morning hike with some lady neighbors. We went to Gloria Falls. 

It was lovely. I love the Utah mountains! Also on Friday, I had volunteered Wes, Abi, Lily and Sophi to work as guides at the Tabernacle Experience, which was stationed in Draper this week. Wes wasn't able to, so I had Natalie go in his place. They got a ride out there with the youth at 2, and Lily had to babysit at 5:30 so I picked her up early on my way home from Costco with ODPK. We didn't tour it this week. I wanted too, but things are just too busy. Corey and I went on a date to Aubergine, still our current favorite since Blue Lemon appears to be out of business. Went to bed a little earlier last night cause Owen and Natalie had to get up and be ready at the church at 7 for a youth activity to Camp Tracy. I gave them each $10 as part of an early July b-day gift, so that they could spoil themselves at the little kid store up there.  
Corey and I dropped them off on our way out to Corner Canyon. For our ride, it was funny, that afterwards when we were looking at our stats, Corey had somehow gotten a whole extra mile more than I got. He joked that it was because he had a trial subscription... they must be fudging his number to make him get obsessed over stats and subscribe. Then he also teased "Men are just better." He got a whole extra mile without even trying, while we were on the same ride! Wow! Haha. 

Abi went and worked for my parents today. It was fun to visit them. I ended up dusting a little bit and we were talking about knick knacks and treasures from ancestors and relatives who have passed on.
I have a lot of little collections... I guess I get that habit from them! Owen and Natalie were back home shortly after I got back. They had fun at Camp Tracy. 

Natalie shooting a b-b gun!
They had a lot of fun.
I spent about an hour today helping Lily. She's teaching in Young Women's tomorrow about "How Does Jesus Christ Lead His Church". I shared with her the story of 20 Saints in Leningrad, which is SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!! I had told it to her before, I read that chapter to her again today as she cleaned her room. I loved reading about how God is guiding His work on earth. Amazing. Go read that if you haven't before! So after Lily felt ready for her lesson, she wanted to go shopping to find a new dress to wear tomorrow. She came home with a sweatshirt instead. Then, we got ready for a trip to Snowbird, which is where we are now. 
We will be up here this whole week, but we didn't bother to pack much yet, since we'll be back down in the morning for church.

NODP went swimming. K wandered around, the pool. 
Yay that she didn't insist on being held.
Well, for some of the time atleast! WALS all decided to stay at home, so it's just been Corey and the boys up here, and then I came up with Katharine later. I had to wait for Wes Lily and Sophi to get back with my car. (Abi was working for my mom all afternoon). WLS had gone to Fashion Place Mall. I should have just gone up with Corey, but I was waiting to bring the rest of the kids, but after they got home, they all said they didn't want to come. They are enjoying the peace and quiet at home. Which is a little sad, cause that was what I was hoping to have up here. I got a little time tonight, hopefully I'll get more this week and can catch up on recording things here. Cute boys are ready for bed. 
I was also bummed that we didn't make it to the Saratoga Open House yesterday or today - and today's the last day, darn. Things are busy. I trust I will have free time someday. I use my free time right now for bike rides, and Corey and I are really enjoying that. We are hoping to take a few rides while we're up here, and hopefully we will get to know Snowbird and Alta's summer terrain a little better.

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