Friday, August 18, 2023

Another Day or Two

This morning Corey and I met up early at the quarry trailhead with Corey's friend Nathan. We had a pretty good ride, got some emoji achievements, yay. Natalie watched Katharine for us. Hmmm, who is babysitting who? 

Other snapshots from today: Lily and Sophi are a bit silly and boy crazy. Lily draws pictures of "hot" guys and then she and Sophi talk about how handsome they are. 

Corey took Katharine to the park. Playing on the Teeter totter. 
Hyrum gets home in a week. We are making a sign for him that looks like this:
That will be good! I've sketched it on in pencil and I think I'll let Mel help me finish it this weekend. I found a video that Katharine took via my hone while I was laying on the floor resting. She came over to me...
lifted her little hand...
Then in the video you hear a small smack. It was funny. And a few funny memes that I can relate to: 

I follow this first rule of the parent club very well. Speaking Spanish helps!

All my caterpillars are growing and doing well!

I've got 4 chrysalides that are dark and will be coming out tomorrow. 

Oh, our oven is broken! I do not know what is happening but we cannot get the oven door to open!! I don't know if Katharine broke a latch or something, it is so strange. I've googled things for how to reset it - like hold down the cancel button and hold down whatever else but it is latched tight and I can't get it to budge. So... for date night tonight, we cooked pizza in quarters in the microwave, and then tried to toast the bottom of it on the frying pan. 

I figured I've microwaved frozen pizza before, it's fine. Corey and I had a nice meal at Aubergine in Sugarhouse. 

My apologies to the children that we get to go have a nice meal and that I left you with microwaved pizza. But it's the one night we get to have together, so it is necessary for our sanity and our eternal marriage. 

I guess I'll report on yesterday too - In the morning I went on a short hike at Bells. It is so beautiful. I was exploring a bit until I saw two coyotes ahead of me. Then I turned around and headed back. 

On my walk home, I stopped by Lisa's house for some milkweed and said hi to the bees enjoying her monarch waystation. My heart was feeling good, but there was some sad nature news - the owners of the property next to us were here cutting down the cottonwood trees. :( It is sad. I'm glad the dead one was taken down after the half dead one crashed into our yard, but I would have liked the life ones to be left alone. 

Maybe they're thinking these trees are all near the end of their life cycle anyway, so might as well take them all down now. It was so full and green when we moved here 12 years ago (3rd pic), but plants don't last forever. So there were 5 and now just two left. It's getting thin. I think he would have taken these down, but they are leaning toward our home and he was just there working by himself with a chainsaw. Prob needs professional equipment to get this down. Hopefully that will buy some time. I've said before, half joking half serious, that once these trees are gone, we can move. No point being here without trees out every window. Might be time to move back to Virginia. Life goes on, you can't stop the change. We did have a sit down dinner tonight. It's been a while.

Joseph stopped by for a bit yesterday, he's driving to Vegas and flying out from there to Guatemala. He'll miss Hyrum coming home next week, but that's ok, he's off doing great things to prepare for his future. 

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