Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The First "First Day of School"

Today was the first day of school for Abi, Lily, and Sophi. Sophi was the only one I got a picture of - ready to catch carpool on her first day of Junior High! 
I remember the first day of school... Corey and I both went to Wasatch Junior High. I remember Red Red Wine playing on the bus on the ride home. That's about it - just some small music memories and nostalgic moments. If I were to go back in time, I think I'd look for Corey in the halls on that first day. :) 

Lily started at Skyline. I told Sophi, that with no siblings at Churchill with her, this could be a good year to break the tradition and she could just go to Albion and we could be done with all this carpooling hassle. But her siblings would hear none of that nonsense. So, Sophi is starting 6th grade at Churchill, Abi and Lily and in 10th and 9th at Skyline, and I guess Lily will be a senior when Sophi starts 9th grade, so then they'll be in the same school. It is kinda fun having the kids attend our Alma Mater. I'll try to get a pic of the high school kids sometime this month - then it will still count as a back to school pic. Man, I can't believe how quickly the years are going by. Seems like just a short while ago that Joseph Mel Ethan Hyrum and Wes were all attending Churchill! Now they're all grown up and gone. Well, Wes is almost outta here. He's finishing up a few more classes and then he'll be officially graduated. He has really learned a lot in his BYU courses. His older siblings agree that has gotten a way better education than them with all the work he's had to do with BYU. He has come to really understand and love math, which will be important if he goes into architecture. Wesley started his mission papers this past Sunday. He has really developed his own testimony and love for Jesus Christ and His gospel these past few years. We're proud of you Wes! You're gonna be a great representative of Jesus Christ!

And so, that's about it - the big kids are getting back into a routine, and the rest of us are warming up for it. Natalie's been leading the charge with her little brothers - they are on a mission to organize the legos downstairs by color! I did that once, and it was good, but it's definitely a big job. Natalie might be able to pull it off though, and if they don't, it could still keep them busy for a few months. Natalie is a good worker. She's been putting together all the Lego Storybooks - 

I bought some for the kids and then hid a few away for myself to keep for my future grandkids someday. But alas, my collection was discovered and then I was a pushover and let my actual children play with them. They promised and tried to not lose everything right away, and I only let them play with them in my closet, but I didn't keep a diligent enough watch on their playing and soon the storybooks were all broken and their pieces scattered in the lego matter all over the basement. So Natalie is searching for the legos and putting them all together again. It's a labor of love. Thank you Natalie!
Katharine doing a bit of her toddler work this evening (aka sitting in dirt) 
She was putting little piles of dirty on her knees, and it was adorable. 
Everything she does is cute. 
Well, except for being a bit bossy. Last night, I nursed her, but she didn't fall asleep during that. I was done so we just layed in a dark room together, but and she wanted to use me as a pacifier, but I didn't let her, so I layed by her and tried to rub her tummy but she was ticked off at me and cried for quite a bit. After she was done crying she gave me the sweetest hug around my neck, it was cute. I admit I am the one who has spoiled her and been a pushover. Corey pointed this out recently by telling me "If the cat is vegan, you know who is making the decisions..." Ha, yeah, I love nursing, but I'm also almost ready to be done maybe? It's complicated.... Ok, here's my plan: I'm going to try and widdle it down to 2, maybe 3 times a day - morning, afternoon and night, or maybe just morning and night. We'll see, but last night was a good first step and hopefully tonight there will be less gnashing of teeth by my sweet Katharine. 

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