Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Hello from quarantine. Corey's been isolated in the bedroom for the past 48 hours. The rest of us have all been feeling totally fine and normal. 

Katharine turning on the smiley charm this morning. 

Bad news, however, is that with us all being exposed to COVID, Owen's baptism which was scheduled for Saturday, has been postponed until September 9. Lily was also scheduled to get her patriarchal blessing on Sunday, but we texted the patriarch to let him know of our situation and that has been postponed as well. She was rescheduled for Sept 3. Lily was really excited for her blessing and was obviously bummed about that delay, but what ya gonna do. No one wants to get sick, so best to stay away. I've enjoyed having the kids all home and not having them leave to friends' houses. Haha, no playing minecraft at friends houses! I enjoy quarantine! The kids have been playing and are being creative. 

They made some forts in the front room and have been reading the blog books.

And I've been taking care of Corey and caterpillars. I collected 31 eggs on Saturday night after we got home from Park City, and tonight I found 31 eggs again! Woo! Things are about to get caterpillar crazy!

A few things about baby Katharine (for memory's sake): Corey often calls her "the beast" - "Where's the beast?" Cause she bosses us around like a cruel master. She will climb on our laps and then grab the back of our triceps and pull telling us "Get up! Move this way!" like we are human joy-sticks. She is the spoiled princess of this kingdom. Corey think he might be past the worst of covid and decided to leave the room this evening. He took Katharine on a walk outside, keeping socially distant from everyone else. We did pick up Owen and Daniel's soccer uniforms today. 
Owen is glad that it's not pink this time! Lavendar is a step in the right direction. They are on a Under 9 team, and it's for years 2016 and 2015, so they are on the same team! Sweet! 

That will help with the busy-ness of the soccer season to have them on the same team. Last thing - since we've been gone and having so much fun the past few weeks, it's time to get ready for routines and school to come back into our lives, so we started a daily task thing, and each of the kids (WLSNODP) have a checklist for the next 10 days to: make their bed, clean bedroom, fold clothes, chore, and music. And if they do all those things, they will earn a meal out at Chuck a Rama next Tuesday evening before school starts. I told them I'm not going to nag them on it - they gotta buy in and want it. So we'll see who gets it! School will be here pretty quick. It starts for Abi, Lily and Sophi next Wednesday, and the elementary kids start on the 21st. Another school year, here we go!

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