Monday, August 7, 2023


Corey has COVID. My family told me that in the news they reported that there's been a late summer covid wave going around. Corey's been feeling ill since Saturday and he thought it might be covid (an in-law tested positive last week at Park City). So after attending to Corey all Saturday, Sunday, and all day today, I finally remembered that I had two at home tests! I bought these for Wes when he went to India. So let's find out! 11:00 at night, I got the test out, didn't read the instructions, followed the QR code to the video, followed the steps shown there, and after a 15 min wait, there were two lines. There were two lines in the first minute, but it said to NOT READ THE RESULTS until 15 minutes, so we watched it and waited to see if the results would magically change to something else. It's very similar looking to another test people take. I teased "You are definitely pregnant..." 

I told him hey - this is exciting, cause it's the first time someone in our house has had covid! Joseph got it in Dec 2020, but he was at BYU, so that counts for our family but not for our house. So I feel a little bit guilty for having been so irritated that he's been sick and I've had to attend to him - you really are sick sweetheart, I'm sorry I thought it was just another man cold. He's so lucky - I joked to him that now he gets to live my dream - to be isolated in a room all day with people staying away. I'm sure there will be a few interruptions from kids, and I'm going to still be coming and going. Katharine will need diaper changes and a bath and stuff. Plus maybe she's already had covid? Cause Corey started feeling sick last Saturday morning and Katharine had been sick with a fever for two days before that on Thurs and Friday of last week. Whether she had covid or something else, she's definitely been exposed since she was sleeping in the bed with us at Park City. I'm not worried about myself, cause I've got some internal belief that "I don't get sick." (Cold showers, baby!) 

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