Saturday, August 12, 2023

Hyrum is 20

Happy Birthday to our missionary, Elder Wride! 

(He's the one on the left if you didn't know.) We are so excited to see him very soon! He gets home on the 25th, just two short weeks away. Since he is coming home soon, I didn't sent him a package or anything. I thought I'd save the shipping costs and just give stuff to him after he's back. And that way he doesn't have to pack it up to bring it back here in two weeks. I'm sure he will be fighting for space in his suitcase as he attempts to pack up his life from the past two years before coming home. The younger kids were slightly disappointed with me that I did not get cake for them to eat in Hyrum's behalf on his birthday. But I did say we could sing. So they held the candles and pretended to blow them out. 
I know, slightly anti-climatic. I didn't have zeros, so we just did 22s. Yay, wasn't that fun? We'll have cake when he gets back, I promise. 

Corey's feeling back to normal, but did test positive again on Thurs, so we're kinda still in quarantine. Owen's baptism that was scheduled for today was pushed forward to September. We can play outside though. Katharine at the elementary school park. 
We'll probably all go to church tomorrow, Corey might just wear a mask. 

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