Sunday, August 13, 2023

Milkweed Fluff

I've started gathering some of the pods off of our milkweed plants. After getting the seeds off, I let the kids play with the fluff on the trampoline. 
Katharine would gather it up in her little hands and blow!

Blow those baby cheeks!

And she tried tasting some too, ha
Oh she's so cute. 
It stuck on their clothes a little bit, but it was worth it for the fun they had. And it kept them busy outside so I was able to do some stuff. I did some lesson prep for my lesson next Sunday on Romans 7-16, which includes Romans 8, which just so happens to have my absolute favorite verse in the new testament! This favorite verse was pointed out to me by Ann Voskamp in her book One Thousands Gifts" - Romans 8:32 "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" God gave us Christ! If he gave us his most beloved, then we can trust that he will give us anything and everything that he deems best for us! So I am excited to talk about that verse and other wonderful teachings in here. The older kids watched Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and then Twelve Angry Men while I played with milkweed fluff and took care of caterpillars. I reserved a study room at the library for Aug 22 to use for a life coaching something. It is only for 8 people, I might try an invite some friends to a class, but this also might just be a warm up for me to see how to reserve it in case I want to do a class in the future... Just taking a baby step in the life coaching direction toward something. I gave 8 caterpillars (5 cats and 3 eggs) to a friend for her and her girls to use for their homeschool science lessons. I found 31 eggs this past Wednesday and 22 more on Thursday, so I have plenty to spare!

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