Friday, August 4, 2023

Provo River and Jordanelle

The party continues in Park City! There has been a little bit more rain, but we've been able to accommodate. It was raining yesterday morning, so unfortunately we did not get out for a ride. It had cleared up by the afternoon, which made the plan to go float down the Provo River a go. The kids all went with Mark, Nancy, and Corey to the Provo River. Joseph and Nancy drove down in Mark's jeep, and Daniel thought that was pretty fun!

Katharine taking a turn at the wheel. 
I stayed at the hotel with Katharine and took it easy. Eating some red vines... 
We did take a little walk to release our 5th butterfly. Taking a walk along the city bike path under a bridge - doing a little photo shoot with this guy before he leaves.
We walked all the way to the Marriott Summit Watch, and were on our way back to the city park again before he found a spot he liked. We said goodbye and then walked back to the room.
Today Katharine has had a bit of a fever, and Corey volunteered to stay with her and let me go on a ride. I went to HAM, 1 hour 22 min, 7.33 miles, it was muddy. Then, since Corey was gone so long yesterday at the river, today he stayed in the room to work while I took all the kids to Jordanelle. 
We sat under the canopy and ate redvines and crackers while we watched the kids play - 
Went to the car to nurse Katharine - she's still not feeling very good and was very clingy (and very cute)
I came back to the room one time - I took L and S back with Alix, then back to the reservoir. K fell asleep in the car during that ride, so I saw my chance to escape momentarily - I got in my swimsuit and went on the water cause I had promised Peter. Joseph kept an eye on K while Peter and I went out on the paddleboard. We saved Daniel and a friend on sinking chairs, took forever to paddle them in. Then I played in the water a bit more with my niece - we tried doing headstands on the paddleboards. I'm sure we looked ridiculous but it was fun. I left Jordanelle with Peter and Katharine before dinner, Natalie Owen and Daniel stayed with Mark. They had a lot of fun playing in the water. Owen especially was a good little sailor on the water! Back at the room, the sun clock was tickin' - we put Lily in charge of Katharine and Corey and I escaped for an evening ride - it was less muddy that this morning, we did a repeat of HAM, 7.39 miles, 1 hour 12 min. My time was almost a min faster than on Monday! Now it's time for bed - on our last night up here in Park City. Peter all snuggled in and ready for bed.
The kids love coming up here, and Corey and I do too! I hope we get out in the morning and maybe another ride before we leave tomorrow. 

Update: Here are some of their pics from floating down the Provo River!
I'll have to get them to give me details of the event...
I think there were a few scares, like someone flipped? but I can't remember who and why (possibly having battles in their kayaks). 

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